Direct Sequels and 2023 Update

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Hello everyone! As some of us plan for the holiday, and all of us prepare to leave 2023 behind us, I wanted to give everyone a quick update on the status of the series.

It's official! Both of Deviant Behavior's direct sequels are published as a WIP. There are plenty of notes on each, so I won't repeat them here, but if you need help with the series order, go back to the part named "Continuation of Deviant Behavior's Story."

1. Afterburn (Connor x Reader - Connor POV)

Summary: The infamous Deviant Hunter no longer serves the program named Amanda, but androids of the same model do. Among them is the suspect. The sniper. The murderer.

His target.

Connor struggles to make peace with the inevitable - that those closest to him will learn how good he is at carrying out evil deeds. He'll tell them that, even though he loved the woman who went from "the Heretic" to "the Martyr" long before the world did, his first love was the Hunt...

...and what is done out of love, always takes place beyond good and evil.

WIP - can be read on its own

Connor x Reader - Connor POV: Connor goes rogue, hunting the remaining RK800 units under Amanda's control. He's guided by a mysterious intelligence, and finds many unlikely allies.

• Direct sequel to Deviant Behavior
• Runs parallel to Deep Blue
• Continuation of Natural Selection and Machine Learning

2. Deep Blue (Gavin Reed x RK900)

Summary: Detective Reed was known by many names back when he ran with the worst of Detroit, underground and undercover. Unlike the rookies fresh off desk duty, he knew exactly what the city was like after dark. So when the EMP detonated, and the lights went out, "Gavin Reed" was on a short list of names enlisted in a new DPD-FBI joint task force. Also on that list? His new partner - an RK900 ready to make a name for himself, too. Now they just had to figure out how to keep their hands off each other...

Or not. Fuck it.

WIP - can be read on its own

Gavin Reed x RK900: Fast flame, but their attachment is more than physical, and their harrowing reality isn't lost upon them. With the FBI and DPD SWAT Unit 32, they track the RK800 units that are infiltrating organized crime rings.

• Direct sequel to Deviant Behavior
• Runs parallel to Deep Blue
• Continuation of Natural Selection and Machine Learning

I've been working on these since 2018, and I honestly can't believe we're finally here. These two stories mean so much to me, and I hope that is reflected in my work.

Thank you all for your ongoing support, even 5 (almost 6!) years later. This fic continues to be a milestone for me and an experience that I get to live vicariously over and over by reading all your comments and feedback.

Have a wonderful holiday/Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

See profile for the Deviant Behavior Discord invite, series playlists on Spotify, and my Linktree for socials!

Deviant Behavior (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now