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Hello readers!

It was a long journey indeed, my beloved pals. This notice may take lots of your time, but for starters. . . I'm grateful we meet again like it's our first time.

As what you've noticed I made a new account, I'm previously known as Fiariae, but now I'm Psyrche for several reasons I cannot specify.

I left wattpad months ago, yet I always knew I'm gonna comeback. 'Cause this app is more than a shelter, it's a safe place of mine. A sweet escape.

Writing saved me from the things I cannot tell nor open up to anyone, and I know the art I wrote has also saved some of you. I sincerely apologize for leaving you behind and taking the novels with me.

As I read the messages you sent when I bid my goodbye, it became harder for me to let go. It felt like I'm taking something precious away from you.

For all I know my novels isn't only mine, it is ours. It is where we shared our laughter, tears, pain, hope, and lessons in life.

It was necessary for me to take a break but it is far gone when I realized there is no need for me to leave. I hope it's not too late for me to comeback.

I'd like to say thank you for having shared your spectacular insights, as we dive into the depth of vulnerability and human-connections through my novels.

For those who waited, thank you for your warm patience. In those months I've always wondered how y'all are doing-My pals. I hope you've been doing great as I left.

I never thought that a day will come in which the world I built inside my mind will be written and appreciated by the outside one.

A lot of things to be grateful for, many that I can't mention, but to make it short. I would love to say thank you for those who was there from the start of my journey. And for those who just found my works, I guess there's a reason for that. May my literature artworks lift you up when no one else is around.

As you read this book, I hope the lessons you get will be applied and may follow you until the real world. I'll do the same.

About the citations and credits. Some I forgot where I get it, if you found a familiar quote kindly let me know. I would love to give some honor and respect to the owner or the author.

Avoid to spoil anything on the Special Chapter of this book. I plead.

Take care everyone, stay safe! And see you in my next book. Temporary is still under revision, but it will also be republish. . . soon.

How I miss to use this phrase.

Sayōnara watashi no ai.

Trapped (Amorist Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now