Special Chapter

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Delight can be found in what's austere.

"Dad. . ." Audelia hugged her stuffed toy. "When are we going home?"

Her dad patted her head. "We're not even near their hacienda, it's only a few hours and yet you already want to go home?"

"I miss mommy. . ." she pouted, her grip on the stuffed toy tightened. "Why do we need to meet a bunch of strangers?"

Confusion invaded her. She can't even remember the names and the faces her father introduced.

"For connections darling," her dad turned his gaze back in front. "You have to make friends, Audelia. I heard Lucas Vincente has a son. . . maybe you two can get along."

"I don't want business," Audelia glared. "People are not true," her breathing began to heavy. "What they only want is your power."

She despises that people gossip about her father when he's not around but is kind to him when he is. She once heard a woman talk sh'ts in the bathroom about him.

Her dad snorted. "It's too early for you to say that," she pouted even more. "After this, I'll buy you a horse."

"But dad. . ." her lips quiver. "I don't want to smile for no reason," her palm formed into a knuckle. "I also don't want to meet their son!"

"You sure are stubborn," he tickled her stomach. Audelia giggled. "Don't you want a horse?" She straightened her back.

"Of course I want. . ." she said, closing her eyes. Her father's heart melted.

"What else do you want?" he asked with such gentleness. Her heart pounded in delight.

Her father always gives her everything she asks for, protects her even from bug bites, makes time for her, and ensures he won't miss a single detail of her life.

Audelia never thinks about luxury. All she wants is to be with them, which makes her complete.

"Promise me that after this you're going to teach me how to ride some. . ." she said, wanting for them to bond.

"And why would I do that?" Her father asked, testing her.

"For me to behave." She arched her brows.

Amusement crossed his face. "How can a nine year old kid act like this?" He laughed. "You truly are a daughter of your mom. . ."

"Promise me dad. . ." Audelia crossed her arms, her wife came out from her daughter's face. "That we're going to buy lots of horses, we'll ride each one of them, and you'll teach me."

He pinched her cheeks, and she groaned. "Fine. . ." he sighed in defeat. "I promise."

"Cross your heart," he did what she asked. "Give me the keys," he handed them to her; she acted like she had eaten them.

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