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This chapter contains a list of the articles, books, and videos I came across from which the quotes used in this manuscript came.

I admit that I can't remember which page it is on or the content's title. I read tons because I am fond of wisdom; usually, it is the knowledge that stays in mind rather than whom and where I first heard it.

If you see a familiar phrase for which I haven't provided a citation, kindly let me know. Your help is much appreciated.

If you're interested in self-improvement books, check this out; maybe; it can help someday.


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Holiday, R., & Hanselman, S. (2020) The art of living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius : Lives of the stoics. New York, NY : Portfolio/Penguin.

“It is not possible to live well today, unless one think of it as his last.” pp. 213-214

“To live the best life you should have conversation with the dead.” pp. 10-11

“Actions accumulate severe consequences.” I re-read the book, but I couldn't find this quote there. I'm not sure where it came from, though I'll put this one.

“Key to life is to fall in love with the idea of death.” 

“Knowing is different from doing it.”

Same as the previous one, I need help finding which book these two came from, though let me know if you do. I'll edit this one out and give the proper credit.

The Lives of the Stoics is a good book to read if you want to live a more peaceful and steady life. It helps people open their minds and focus more on what's essential.

I highly recommend this one.


Manson, M. (2019) Everything is fucked. New York, NY : HarperCollins Publishers.

“People can only lose what they have, and hope for what they don't.” 

“We have to lose in order for us to have a hope.” (The uncomfortable truth.) pp. 3-19.

The phrases above and below didn't actually come from the book, but the idea is.

“Happiness takes time, but the way our mind works makes it possible to acquire in any moment.” (The feelings economy.) pp. 193-214.

Everything is fvcked. This book helps people be vulnerable and rational, handle their emotions, and take action.

It's good if you want to understand what real and fake freedom are, how values can make people act and think differently, and how to deal stoically with this chaotic life. It is tackled in there.


Holiday, R. (2019). Stillness is the key. New York, NY : Portfolio/Penguin.

“Tragedy hits, none of us can avoid it.” This one isn't there, or maybe it is, but I feel like the idea of this phrase came from the book. If I am mistaken, humbly correct me.

Stillness is the key. This book will help people live in the present, in the real world, and not be stuck in their own thoughts.

This book helps people do the work thoroughly without the fear of mistakes, to live far from the lies their own minds made. In my own perception, though, it is highly recommended.


Goggins, D. (2021, March 3). Can’t Hurt Me. David Goggins.

“Clueless but the sight of it makes my eyes burn."

Can't Hurt Me. I haven't finished reading this one yet, but the first chapters captivated me by how still the author was despite everything. I recommend this one since it almost has the same concept as Mark Manson's book “The Subtle Art of not giving a fvck.”


Fearless Soul, (2018, August. 23). Learn how to control your mind. (Use this to BrainWash yourself.) : Joe Dispenza [Video.] YouTube.

“The past can also be the map of our own future.”

“Thoughts must be controlled before it'll have the power to control you.”

“Sometimes we want to relive the memory of the past only because of the happiness it has.”

“Sometimes our way to heal is torment.”

The quotes above are different from the message that the speaker delivers, but the phrases and ideas came from the video. It's not the same message, but I would love to give some credit.

The video will help people be more rational and identify their thoughts and emotions. Don't miss it; your time will be well spent.


TED, (2011, January. 4). The power of vulnerability: Brene brown [Video] Youtube.

“Lean into discomfort.”

Based on the title itself, it will help you understand what it means to be vulnerable. Once again, the message is different from the quote that is said and how it is implied.

People tend to avoid vulnerability. The rush of emotions is hard to control and analyze. I'm also quite guilty of that. Check it out and find out the message yourself; your time won't be wasted.


TEDx Talks, (2016, December. 12) The unstoppable power of letting go. : Sherer Murray [Video] Youtube.

“Umbrellas are for those people who wants distance.”

It's not the exact same phrase, but it is also said in there. Aside from vulnerability, people have a lot of things to carry, grip their hands on, and are afraid to see, but the video tackles the art of letting go.

Sometimes, it is not about us but about other people, the surroundings, and how we value such things, which is why letting go is hard.


Concussion Symptom Spotlight - “Brain Fog” | Broadview Clinic. (2023, May 3). Broadview Spine & Health Centre.

Belle's condition is mentioned in Tribute Chapter II.


004 Sepia-Toned Voyage into the Vintage Wave. (n.d.). Pinterest.

Iphone Wallpaper photos. (n.d.).

Trapped book cover inspo.


Though some quotes used may convey a different meaning from where they came from and from the message implied in my book, it's still my honor to give some credit.

Let me know if I forgot to include some here and if I misunderstood the messages.

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