Chapter 42 : Like you

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"Preparation method: preheat oven to 200 °C. bake the pumpkin in the oven for 30-40 minutes, until the pumpkin becomes soft."

"Lisa, why do we have to bake the pumpkin?"

Lisa thought about it, seeing the image of a pumpkin being baked in her mind, and suddenly understood: "to maintain the freshness and soft texture of the pumpkin. This way, we can avoid over cooking while boiling the pumpkin, leading to the loss and spoilage of texture and softness."

"so?" Jungkook asked lightly.

At that moment, Lisa came around.

"So it's the same for the carrot soup! I should've used butter to slightly fry the carrots then put them into the oven till they become soft!"

"En." Jungkook slowly turned to face her, "Lisa, it's a very easy thing to learn to make any dish. As long as you have the recipe, or a demonstration, with your memory, you will remember them all easily. No matter how good Bruce made his food, it was all only a repetition of his mentor's cooking process."

Was this him helping her analyse her opponent?

"If it were a dish you guys have never seen before, or tasked to make a dish perfectly without having seen the recipe or ingredients, do you know what you should do?"

"I do not."

"The first step, is to do a taste deconstruction. To find those ingredients you can see, and still not let you and your opponents differentiate. On the contrary, those whose sense of taste that are weaker will be unable to recognise which flavours belong to which ingredients, you will have to depends on your taste buds. In this regard, you're far stronger than Bruce."

Lisa blinked her eyes, was Jungkook praising her?

"The second step, is process deconstruction. Every dish's fusion of the ingredients, the cooking method. Apart from observing the presentation of the food's form and colour, you need to distinguish if the dish was fried, baked or charcoaled. When each seasoning or pairing ingredient was added, all depends on you tasting in detail. Apart from your taste buds, you need to have the ability to think, to attack three folds back, and even experience. If you only learn to make certain dishes, and you yourself are unable to think about why each step is done, you will forever know how to make those few dishes, and lack the ability to explore yourself. This world has thousands of thousands of ingredients combinations, does it mean that if I never teach you the recipe, you'd be unable to cook those dishes?"

So, Jungkook was saying, this method of teaching was to let her be able to think for herself.

Bruce looked outstanding, but it was only doing all the things that his mentor had taught him to.

"The third step, is to master the degree. Some foods, people may find delicious, because of the balance of the taste and texture. These need not only experience, but also the ability to control the cooking duration, the control of weight, and even the prediction of the thickness or thinness when cutting the ingredients. These, need experience. You lack experience, same as the other participants, you are all on the same running track, there is no further need to talk about your more sensitive sense of taste compared to the others, so I totally do not understand your reason of self-deprecation."

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