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I thought you were at the hospital.

Thought you could use the backup.

Okay I didn't even need McGee.

What is she gonna do?

b*at me with her yoga mat?

- How's Torres?

- Hungry.

That's a good sign, right?

- Is he talking?

- Too much.

Keeps asking if you're okay.

Are you okay?

Well, that's an impressive lack of shame.


She and Xavier are the perfect match.

Spread out.

Watch your back.

Kitchen's clear.

Bedroom's clear!

Bathroom, not clear!

Got a body here.

It's not her.

I have to get him back to autopsy for a full analysis, but I'd say that the cause of death is rather obvious.

I'm gonna say it was the single b*llet that went straight through his head.

While he was in a bathtub.

I mean, someone couldn't wait to k*ll this guy.

I'm sure that's a pretty long list.


I know you won't be shedding any tears over him.

Time of death, Palmer.

Stand by while Mr.

Liver Probe does his thing.

Come on, you really think that I would?

Bishop, I'd rather not.

- You'd rather not what?

- I would rather not have this discussion.

Because whatever you're about to say, you're gonna say it regardless of what happened.

Got a time of death.

Bathwater made it difficult to be precise, but it's sometime in the last five hours.

You know, there are no g*n burns on the back of his head.

And that sh*t is dead center.

The k*ller must have had some w*apon experience.

Just a guess.

Jimmy, any idea who that k*ller might be?


- Yeah, Jimmy.

Any idea?

Well, there's no casings around, which means either it was a revolver or the k*ller policed his brass.

I mean, they even took the b*llet home with them.

I Whoever did this is gonna be incredibly hard to find.

E Except Hold on.

Something here.

That is a hair.

That is long and that is blonde.

And not Xavier's.

Might be the k*ller's.

Well, I know who my number one suspect would be.


The body was in her bathtub, after all.

And Kasie said it is her hair, but it doesn't prove anything.

I mean, my hair is everywhere in my apartment.

We need a motive.

Unfortunately, the only one to have one right now is you.


I know you didn't do it.

How do you know that?


Did you?

In my head, a hundred times.

I planned it down to the last detail.

The only problem was, besides getting caught, like you said, I am the only one with motive.

Actually, not really.

We did some digging into Colleen's background.

Turns out, a few years ago, her parents d*ed.

Left her and her baby sister a boatload of cash.

Except her sister never got it.

She OD'd on heroin before they had a chance to settle the estate.

Sounds like Colleen had the worst luck in the world, right?


Local law enforcement suspected foul play.

They think that Colleen k*lled her sister so she wouldn't have to share the inheritance.

NCIS Great Lakes sent an agent undercover to make a case.


He didn't think it was an overdose either.

The report says Colleen injected her sister with dirty heroin while she was sleeping.

Except Great Lakes couldn't prove it, and the case ended there.

Except it didn't end, did it?


I just got off the phone with the JAG lawyer who's handling the prosecution.

New evidence has come to light, and they're reopening the case.

And guess who their star witness is gonna be.

Our accident wasn't an accident.

It was a hit.

Now, Colleen was trying to stop Torres from testifying.


He's still a target.


Don't move.

That's not very creative.

You kill all your victims with bad heroin?

I Wait, I Th-thought you said that she had, uh, shoot her new boyfriend in the head.

Hey, Colleen.

It's been a while, girl.

This is a setup.

You guys are setting me up.

You're literally holding the m*rder w*apon in your hand.

You were the worst boyfriend I've ever had.

No, I was not.

See you in court, Collie.

You are also the worst pretend sleeper I've ever seen.

Bishop, please.

You know, I'm so badass, I can catch bad guys from a hospital bed.

Okay, Mr.Badass.How about jumping out of the way of the car the next time it comes at you? Like I did.

Don't even. Cause you know I risked my life to save yours.
I know" Ellie lightly grabbed Nick's hand, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles. He lightly  sat up trying to not disturb his injuries. He placed his empty hand on her cheek.before bringing her lips to his. They kissed passionately, knowing they couldn't go further while he was recovering. Their hearts raced in unison before pulling back when Nick needed to catch his breath.

"Ellie, I love you, I have for a while now" Ellie captured his lips again quickly before speaking again
"I love you too Nick"At this moment nether noticed McGee and Gibbs standing in the doorway, watching the happy couple in pride.

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