120- Mac and Harm- Jag

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Mac and Harm, dressed impeccably as a wealthy couple, stepped off the private jet. Their mission: infiltrate a high-stakes arms dealer's secret gathering. The intel suggested that the dealer was using the resort as a front for illegal transactions. Their cover story? Newlyweds celebrating their honeymoon.Mac (whispering): "Remember, Harm, we're here to gather evidence. No heroics."Harm (grinning): "No heroics? Mac, you wound me. But fine, I'll play it cool."The ballroom glittered with chandeliers, and the air hummed with whispered conversations. Mac and Harm mingled, sipping champagne and dancing. Their chemistry was undeniable, even if it was all an act.Mac (leaning in): "You know, Harm, I've always wondered what it's like to be a billionaire."Harm (playing along): "Well, Mac, it involves a lot of yacht parties and secret meetings, apparently."They spotted their target—a man with slicked-back hair and a diamond-studded watch. He was surrounded by bodyguards. Mac and Harm exchanged glances.Mac (softly): "That's our guy. Let's get close."They approached, Mac's hand on Harm's arm. The dealer eyed them, intrigued.Dealer: "Newlyweds, huh? What's your secret?"Harm (smirking): "Communication. And trust."Mac and Harm followed the dealer to a secluded room. Inside, a massive vault stood against one wall. The dealer entered a code, and the door swung open.Mac (whispering): "We need photos of the documents inside."Harm pulled out a tiny camera, snapping shots of blueprints and coded messages. But then the dealer turned, suspicion in his eyes.Dealer: "You two seem too interested in my vault."The dealer's bodyguards closed in. Mac and Harm had seconds to react. They lunged at the dealer, disarming him. Chaos erupted—the sound of fists, gunshots, and crashing glass.Mac (grinning): "Guess the honeymoon's over."They fought their way out, adrenaline pumping. As they sprinted toward the beach, Harm grabbed Mac's hand.Harm: "Mac, I've got a confession."Mac: "What?"Harm: "I didn't flip that coin. I want to be with you, undercover or not."On the beach, with the waves lapping at their feet, Mac and Harm watched the sun sink below the horizon. The mission was a success, but their hearts raced for a different reason.Mac: "So, what's our cover story now?"Harm: "How about this: We're a couple who fell in love while saving the world."Mac: "Sounds like a bestseller."And as the stars appeared, they kissed—a real one this time.

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