102-Gibbs and Bishop- Ncis

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"You got something on your mind, Bishop?" Gibbs spoke while pouring two glasses of bourbon at the same time
".....a few months ago you asked me what I really wanted. If I wanted to be an agent anymore.now I know my answer" she hesitated for a moment before speaking
"I had a feeling"
"The Gibbs gut" bishop moved further towards him
"No. You. It seems you've known for a while but now you have a new opportunity to think about"
"How did.......of course you knew. I really shouldn't be surprised. I just wanted to thank you for everything....for believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself, for all the guidance you gave me over the years. Id say thank you again, but it doesn't quiet cover it, boss"  she moved to shake his hand but he hugged her tightly instead
"You take care of yourself out there, Eleanor"
"You too Leroy" she hugged him once more tightly before making her way up the stairs, leaving to grab her stuff and heading to the airport.

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