70-Ellick- NCIS

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"Fornell, Gibbs , hey what are you guys doing here?" Kasie went to hug the two while McGee and Torres followed behind her.
"I told them to come"Vance spoke while standing on the floor above. 
Before Vance could continue on, the elevator dinged once more showing Ellie and Odette, followed by Emily Fornell in the flesh
"Dad" Emily spoke softly before tearfully running into her fathers arms, who was also crying intensely.
"What...how" GIbbs questioned while looking around at Odette, Ellie, and Vance in confusion
"About ten months ago Odette had found the real leader of the drug ring responsible for Emily Fornell's overdose and as soon as Ellie knew that her mission was to take him down and get Emily back home from witness protection, she came to me for permission to go undercover, we created a new identity as a disgruntled former Ncis and NSA agent and sent her to their main base operations in Bulgaria, where she wormed her way through the organization, becoming the ring leaders right hand, taking him down from the inside" Vance still spoke clearly from the top of the stair case before heading down to hug Ellie.
"Director Vance, here's the files to clear Eleanor's name" Odette handed the flash drive over to the director before he headed back into his office to contact the NSA and the FBI.while Gibbs moved to hug Bishop,tightly before whispering "welcome home, Eleanor" in her ear
"Dad...... can't breathe" Emily huffed out while trying to move out of Tobias' arms
"Sorry sweetheart. I'm just so happy to see you"
"I'm happy to see you too, Dad" she spoke before moving to hug her uncle "I'm happy to see you too uncle Gibbs"
"Eleanor" Fornell lightly placed an arm on her shoulder before tightly hugging her "thank you for bringing my daughter home"
"You're welcome" she hugged him back, just happy to see the relief in his eyes

Once she was out of Fornell's arms,she went over to where McGee, Palmer, and Kasie were watching the scene play out.
"I'm sorry"
"We know bishop, we know." Kasie spoke while hugging her
"We're just happy your back and safe" Palmer continued to the conversation before moving to hug her as-well
Bishop moved in front of McGee, gathering courage to apologize for being so called to him, last time they spoke. He hugged her tightly nearly crushing her ribs while whispering "I forgive you" in her ear. She further leaned into his comforting imbrace, feeling tears come further to the surface.
"Where's nick?" Knight came around the corner confused by the scene playing out in front of her, especially the presence of former special agent Eleanor Bishop.
"Yeah I haven't seen him since...." Kasie spoke before looking at Bishop, who left Mcgees imbrace and walked near the staircase. Leaving the others in a state of confusion at where she was heading.

She watched him as he looked over the navy yard from the rooftop.
"You just going to stand there, or did you need something" Nick spoke, knowing it was Ellie who had followed him.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry Nick....for how I left you."
"It's fine" he angrily spoke not wanting to talk to her
"It's not fine, Nick.....I didn't mean what I said, but I knew if you knew the details you would try to stop me or you would try to come with me and I couldn't have that. I couldn't have you risking your life." Her voice rose trying not to get angry at the situation
"But you're okay risking your own life" his voice rose further at this comment
" I needed to bring her home, Nick. I promised her" Ellie yelled starting to get angrier at his anger
"What?" Nick asked in confusion with his anger leaving his body
"I helped in faking her death last year, when Odette came to me with the mission, I promised Emily, I would get her home safely to her family."
"Are you okay?" He looked her up and down trying to search for any injuries
"I'm fine Nick, actually better than I have been in nearly two years." He looked at her confusedly before she continued on "because I don't have to lie to you or McGee or Gibbs or anyone really about my work with Odette or about the undercover op I was helping to create"
He leaned into hug her tightly, feeling  the anger leave and being replaced with a sense of happiness that she was back in his arms, back in his vicinity. He only pulled back to capture her lips into his in a passionate manor. Only pulling apart when breathing became hard to do
"I forgive you Ellie" she hugged him tightly again needed to feel him again
"I love you, I have for a while now"
"But, you said...."
" I may have not meant for us to happen in the beginning. But it's the best thing that has ever happened to me"  he pulled her lips on to his once again before pulling back and leaning his forehead on hers and whispering
"I love you too,Ellie"

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