112- Palmer,Torres,and Bishop-Ncis

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A cozy art studio during a paint class. Torres and Palmer are sitting at easels, each with a canvas in front of them. Bishop is nearby, working on her own masterpiece

Torres: (grinning) "You know, Palmer, I never thought I'd find myself in an art class. But hey, it's a nice change from chasing down bad guys."

Palmer: (dipping his brush into a vibrant blue) "Agreed, Torres. And look at this serene landscape I'm attempting. It's like therapy!"

Torres: "Therapy? More like a test of patience. I can't even draw a straight line."

Two obnoxious patrons approach Torres and Palmer's easels. They're wearing berets and sipping wine.

Patron 1: "Oh, darling, your brushstrokes lack finesse. Perhaps you should stick to your day job."

Patron 2: "And you, Mr. Palmer, your color choices are positively pedestrian."

Torres: (clenching his fists) "Pedestrian? You want to see pedestrian? Let's take this outside!"

The art studio erupts into chaos. Torres and Palmer throw down their brushes and engage in an all-out brawl with the beret-wearing patrons. Paint splatters everywhere.

Bishop: (rushing over) "What in the world—Torres! Palmer! Stop this madness!"

Torres: (wiping paint off his face) "Bishop, they insulted our artistic integrity!"

Palmer: (holding a palette like a shield) "Yeah, and they called my sunflower 'basic'!"

The police arrive, and Torres and Palmer are led away in handcuffs. Their mug shots are a colorful mess of paint.

Officer: "You two are a real piece of work. Assault at a paint class? Seriously?"

Torres: "It was self-defense! They questioned our artistic souls!"

Palmer: "And they ruined my sunflower!"

Bishop bails them out at the precinct. She's exasperated but amused.

Bishop: "Torres, Palmer, you're lucky I'm here. Gibbs is going to have a field day with this."

Torres: "Thanks, Bishop. And hey, at least we made a statement with our art."

Palmer: "Yeah, a statement that says, 'Don't mess with our canvases.'"

Back at the art studio, Torres and Palmer return for another class. The beret-wearing patrons are nowhere to be found.

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