Tony and Abby - 70-ncis

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In the aftermath of Abby's shooting, the NCIS team grappled with grief and loss. The bullpen felt emptier without her quirky presence, and the lab seemed quieter, lacking the hum of her music and the clatter of her boots. Gibbs, stoic as ever, retreated further into his basement, seeking solace in boat-building.

Jimmy Palmer, the medical examiner's assistant, found himself struggling. Abby had been more than a colleague; she'd been a friend, a confidante. He missed her laughter, her forensic genius, and her unwavering loyalty. The autopsy room felt colder without her vibrant energy.

One day, as Jimmy sorted through slides, he heard footsteps approaching. He looked up, expecting to see McGee or Bishop. Instead, he froze. Tony DiNozzo stood there, leaning against the doorframe, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and determination.

"Tony," Jimmy stammered. "What are you doing here?"

Tony's smile was bittersweet. "I heard about Abby. Figured I'd swing by."

"But you left," Jimmy said. "You left us all."

Tony's gaze softened. "Yeah, I did. But that doesn't mean I stopped caring."

He stepped closer, and Jimmy noticed the lines etched around Tony's eyes—the weight of years, the burden of memories. Tony had been the heart of the team once, the glue that held them together. His departure had left a void that no one could fill.

"Abby would've wanted you to keep going," Tony said. "To keep fighting."

Jimmy nodded. "I know. But it's hard."

Tony's hand landed on Jimmy's shoulder. "We all have our demons, Jimmy. But we also have each other."

And just like that, Tony was back—cracking jokes, teasing McGee, and sharing stories of his adventures. He helped Jimmy with the autopsies, reminding him of Abby's quirks—the way she'd hum while dissecting, the meticulousness of her work.

One evening, as they sat in the breakroom, Tony raised his coffee cup. "To Abby."

Jimmy clinked his mug against Tony's. "To Abby."

They talked about her—her love for Caf-Pow, her obsession with forensic science, and her unwavering loyalty to the team. Tony's eyes grew distant, and Jimmy sensed the weight of his absence.

"You know," Tony said, "I thought leaving would make it easier. But it didn't."

"Why did you come back?" Jimmy asked.

Tony's gaze met his. "Because sometimes, you need to face the past. Because Abby was family, and family sticks together."

And so, Tony returned to NCIS—not as an agent, but as a friend. He helped Jimmy solve cases, shared memories of Kate and Ziva, and even cracked a few movie references. The bullpen felt warmer with him around, and Jimmy realized that sometimes healing came from unexpected sources.

One day, as they stood by Abby's desk, Tony picked up her Caf-Pow mug. "You know, Jimmy, she'd want us to keep going. To honor her memory."

Jimmy nodded. "Yeah. And maybe, just maybe, we can find a way to fill the void she left."

Tony's eyes twinkled. "Together."

And so, in the wake of tragedy, Tony returned—a reminder that even in the darkest moments, the bonds of friendship endured.

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