45- Mackey and Blue- Ncis Sydney

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Special Agent Michelle Mackey paced the dimly lit room, her fingers tapping rhythmically against her thigh. The air smelled of stale coffee and anxiety. Blue, their tech genius, had been taken by a suspect during a routine surveillance operation. Mackey's gut twisted with worry.

JD, her partner, leaned against the wall, his eyes scanning the room. "We'll find her, Mackey. Blue's resourceful. She'll be okay."

Mackey clenched her jaw. "I should've seen this coming. We underestimated the suspect."

JD shook his head. "We all did. Blue's disappearance isn't your fault."

"But it's my responsibility," Mackey whispered. "She's like a little sister to me."

Outside, the rain drummed against the windows. Mackey's mind raced through scenarios—Blue tied up in a dark room, scared but defiant. The suspect was cunning, leaving no trace. They needed a lead, something to follow.

"Any word from the team?" Mackey asked, her voice tight.

JD checked his phone. "Still nothing. But we're working every angle."

Hours blurred into one another. Mackey's phone buzzed—a text from Jackson, their field agent. Found a lead. Meet me at the old warehouse on Dock Street.

Mackey's heart pounded as they raced through the rain-soaked streets. The warehouse loomed ahead, its broken windows like empty eyes. Jackson stood by the entrance, his expression grim.

"Blue's inside," he said. "But the suspect's armed."

Mackey's grip tightened on her gun. "We go in together."

The warehouse smelled of damp wood and desperation. They moved silently, following the faint sound of Blue's voice. She was alive, but for how long?

They found her in a small room, tied to a chair. Bruises marred her face, but her eyes sparkled with defiance. "Took you long enough," she quipped.

Mackey's relief was short-lived. The suspect stepped out of the shadows, gun trained on Blue. "You're too late, Agent Mackey."

Mackey's mind raced. She couldn't risk Blue's life. "Let her go. It's me you want."

The suspect's laugh was cold. "You think I care about you? No. I want the files Blue stole from my organization."

Blue's eyes widened. "Files? What files?"

Mackey met Blue's gaze. "The ones you decrypted—the evidence we need to take down this entire operation."

The standoff felt endless. Mackey's heart pounded. She had to protect Blue, even if it meant sacrificing herself. But then JD appeared behind the suspect, gun drawn.

"Drop it," JD said. "Or I'll shoot."

The suspect hesitated, eyes darting between Mackey and JD. In that moment, Mackey lunged, knocking the gun from the suspect's hand. JD tackled him to the ground.

Blue stumbled free, her arms around Mackey. "You came for me."

Mackey held her close. "Always."

As the rain continued to fall outside, Mackey realized that trust was their greatest weapon. Blue had secrets, but so did Mackey. And sometimes, protecting those secrets meant risking everything.

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