Cyo- Tony and Ellie- Ncis

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"I'm never going drinking with you again" Bishop scowled while pointing at Tony who was similarly hungover
"Looks like you two had fun last night"McGee annoyedly spoke at his teammates
"We were celebrating Mcgeek." Tony began to speak before feeling a hand whack him over the head, he turned allowing a "what the hell" to roll off his lips, before seeing an angry Gibbs giving him a parental judgment look. He looked over to see bishop rubbing the back of her neck where Gibbs also head slapped her. Gibbs continued to look at Tony, with a look asking him what the hell he was thinking.
"As I was saying, Bishop and I were celebrating her divorce from that Jackass being finalized yesterday" Gibbs and McGee annoyed looks lightened at this explanation before Gibbs spoke looking between both his children
"Next time don't get drunk on a work night." While going to answer the ringing phone on his desk
"We've got a body at the Marina, grab your gear. Bishop, Dinozzo drink this"he handed them bottled water before heading to the elevator.
"Well that could have gone worse" Ellie whispered to Tony who just nodded at her statement, before making their way to follow Gibbs.

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