70-Ellick- Ncis, Ncis Hawaii, and Ncis la crossover

9 0 1

I'm sorry, who are you?

Melina Devlin.


♪ ♪

So you're saying the CIA
grabbed us off the street,

threw hoods over our heads

and flew us to this compound
in Hawai'i for our safety?

Why not pick up the phone
like a normal agency?

Because Simon Williams
is not a normal bad guy.

He has eyes and ears
everywhere. We had to make sure

that you were secured, that your
phones weren't being tapped.

Were our phones tapped?

You're missing the point.

Because I made
some very personal phone calls

- over the last couple days.
- No, Jimmy,

your phones were clean.

- Okay.
- But your former teacher,

Dale Harding's, was not.

Every call, email, message that he made

- was being monitored.
- SAM: We know the professor

was into something big.

But he was a FLETC instructor.

Why would Simon Williams care
about his communications?

Because before Dale Harding
was a FLETC instructor

he was an intelligence operative.


- For the CIA?

Focus. A little less quid,
a little more pro quo would be nice.

No, you said you were monitoring
Dale's communications.

- So what'd you find?
- For years,

the CIA's been tracking Simon
Williams and his network.

Any time we got close,

every informant, agent, witness
that we had ended up dead.

Including your friend.

We'll start the interrogation now.

Hey. I don't know anything.

I-I was just getting a bite
to eat with Agent Tennant.

Shut up! We tried it your way.

You've wasted time that we don't have.

Now we're gonna do it my way.

Let's go.

Looks like you are who you say you are.

Mm. Well, that's a relief.

Still doesn't explain why a CIA officer
is operating on U.S. soil.


are looking through CCTV
to see who dumped

the rental car in the parking lot.

Mm. They won't find anything.

MCRT and Forensics
are scouring the trunk

they found Mel Cano's body in.

Waste of time.

We're trying to track
his cell phone, too.

(CHUCKLES) Dead end.

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