6 and 84 -Brody and Ellie- Ncis NOLA and Ncis

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Agent Meredith "Merri" Brody had always been a woman of action. Her Chicago upbringing had taught her to trust her instincts, and her time with the NCIS team in New Orleans had only sharpened those skills. But tonight, as she lay in Ellie Bishop's cozy apartment, she felt a different kind of vulnerability—one that had nothing to do with solving cases.

The club's pulsing music still echoed in her ears, the neon lights dancing behind her closed eyelids. She'd gone out with the team to celebrate Bishop's divorce—the end of a tumultuous chapter that had weighed heavily on Ellie's heart. The drinks had flowed, laughter had erupted, and for a few hours, they'd all forgotten about the paperwork, the bureaucracy, and the loneliness that sometimes crept in.

Now, in the soft glow of dawn, Brody's mind raced. The hard case they'd worked together—the one involving a notorious arms dealer—had taken its toll. Ellie had been relentless, pushing herself to the limit. Brody admired her dedication, but she also worried. The lines on Ellie's face told a story of sleepless nights and relentless pursuit of justice.

"Can't sleep either?" Ellie's voice was a whisper, her fingers tracing patterns on Brody's arm.

Brody shifted closer, her head resting on Ellie's shoulder. "Too many thoughts. Too much adrenaline."

Ellie chuckled. "We make quite the pair, don't we? The analytical thinker and the action-oriented agent."

Brody sighed. "Yeah. But sometimes, I envy your ability to switch off. To just be."

Ellie's hand found Brody's, their fingers intertwining. "You know, Merri, you're not alone in this. We're a team."

Brody hesitated, then blurted out, "I worry about you, Ellie. You take everything to heart."

Ellie's gaze softened. "It's hard not to. But you're here now. That helps."

They lay there, tangled in the sheets, the morning light filtering through the curtains. Brody's heart swelled with a mix of emotions—gratitude, concern, and something else she couldn't quite name.

"You know," Brody said, "I never expected to find comfort in someone else's arms."

Ellie pressed a kiss to Brody's forehead. "Sometimes, it's okay to lean on someone. Even the strongest agents need a soft place to land."

And so, they drifted back to sleep, their bodies fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. The city outside faded away, leaving only the warmth of each other's presence. The hard case, the divorce, the late-night clubbing—it all melted into the background.

As the sun rose, casting its first rays across the room, Brody knew she'd found more than comfort. She'd found a connection—a bond that transcended duty and danger. And in Ellie's arms, she felt safe, cherished, and strangely hopeful.

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