Cyo-Tony,McGee,Gibbs, and Jake-Ncis

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(Elevator bell dings)
You won't believe this.
You have some big balls, coming here.
I've got to talk to Ellie.
You know where she is?
She's not answering
my calls or my texts.
Do you blame her?
It's not smart, coming here. I think you should leave.
Jake: Look, uh, I get that you're upset, but she is my wife.
Tony and McGee we're holding back their anger, before hearing their bosses voice
Then treat her like one.You should leave.I'll walk you out.
Before Jake could walk away from the group, Tony murmured an "sorry boss" before punching his little sisters cheating spouse, in the face.knocking him to the floor before hearing an annoyedly professional tone echo in his ear
"Agent DiNozzo, go cool off." Vance spoke looking at the scene in front of him, while Tony huffed off going to check on bishop. While McGee followed in step with him. While Gibbs helped Jake up and made their way towards the elevator.
Come on, Gibbs, you know me.
You need to understand...
Understand what? You cheating on bishop?
I never wanted this to happen.
(Elevator bell dings)
Get your head out of your ass, Jake.

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