75-Ellie and Tony- Ncis

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The long drive to Baltimore was quiet, as bishop was racking her brain around the news of Jake's affair. While Tony was giving her space, he thought she needed.it wasn't until they stopped at a gas station, that Tony spoke
"How are you holding up Bish?"
"I'm fine Tony" he looked at her unbelievingly before speaking again
"I'm sorry Bishop"
"What for Tony? You have nothing to be sorry for" she asked confusedly as Tony continued on babbling

"Yeah I do because you don't deserve this". Tony replies as Bishop felt tears come to the surface in an instance.
"It is ok it's being over for a long time now". Ellie replies still crying.
"What do you mean Bishop?" Tony hugged his little sister while tears still came down her cheeks
"Things have being strained for awhile ever since you and I brought down that assassin at the airport between that and all the secrets Jake kept from me and him literally saying outright that he hated how much NCIS changed me"
"I'm so sorry and I get things were strained but that is no excuse to cheat on someone especially you. It didn't give him the right to make you worry for hours, thinking he was dead on assignments, while he was hanging out with his mistress." Tony huffed in out without stopping to take a breath, while bishop watched in a sort of amazement but also confusion.
"Why do you seem angrier about Jake's affair than I am?" She questioned him while he hugged her tighter against his chest
"Because that scum of the earth hurt my baby sister" he spoke honestly as she buried her face further into his chest allow the pent up tears flow freely as she knew she was safe in her big brothers arms

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