109 and 77- Ellie and Nick- Ncis

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"And now you believe that none of this will end, until you have killed the person who is after you " Miguel spoke quietly as Alexandria laid her head on her grandfathers chest 
"And make no mistake, I will do whatever it takes to get back to my daughter and Nick and nobody's going to stand in my way. But you need to leave now, before it's to late" she felt a pang in her heart as she handed Miguel  their go bags as he carried her sleeping form out of the house and she watched in tears as they drove out of the driveway to the nearest airport
[2 Days Later]
"Znn special report, an explosion at CIA Agent Odette Malone Cottage, in Bulgaria leaving 10 dead and nearly 20 injured in the process"
Nick, Kasie, Palmer, Mcgee, Parker, knight, and Vance all watched in horror and mostly anger as the news described the attack. While major spurts of anger started to rise through Torres body as he remembered that Ellie could be one of the victims
"Nick" Jess tried to grab his attention, as his eyes were glued to the tv screen, hoping and praying that bishop was ok. He was till angry at her leaving but right now all that anger slipped away and was replaced with worry
"Ding ding" the sound of the elevator broke most of the teams attention away from the tv screen, to everyone's shock Miguel Torres was standing their with a toddler in his arms, who looked a lot like Nick.
"Miguel what are you....." McGee began to ask while Nick's body began to stiffen, not even giving his father the time of day.
"I need to speak with Nicholas" his eyes went straight to his sons who was still watching the tv intently, before turning around to face him once more, wanting nothing more than to scream at him for the way he left things last time he was in town. Expect the shock of seeing the toddler in his arms,left him speechless.
"Who is this pretty girl" Jess asked making some silly faces at the toddler making her laugh in an instance
"Can we talk in private" Miguel practically  pleaded but nick was having none of this
"Anything you need to say, you can say in front of them"
Miguel lightly huffed trying to keep his cool before speaking up once more shocking the entire room especially Nick
"Son, theirs someone I'd like you to meet. This is Alexandria, she's Ellie's daughter and your daughter too"
Every question and emotion Nick felt raced through his head at this news.
Why didn't ellie tell him?
Is she okay?
What does my father have to do with this?
"Can we please talk somewhere more private, I know you have questions"
Nick nodded before McGee took the now sleepy toddler from Miguel's arms, while the team got a better look at their niece for the first time.and Vance gave the duo the keys to his locked office
The short walk felt like hours, as the anger, the pain, the questions, and the worry all piled onto Torres shoulders, nearly breaking him in the process. He sat quietly waiting for his father to start explaining everything.
"I saw Agent Bishop again, while she was working undercover in Serbia. I was working a similar case when we were caught in crossfire. we stayed hidden in an underground bunker for hours until the gunfire stopped. Once everything was cleared, I gave her my burner phone number just incase. I totally forgot I did that until a couple days ago, she called me up asking to meet. I almost didn't go, but I could hear the fear in her voice, so i went. She asked me to take her daughter back to the states, to her father. She knew you would protect her until she could come home to both of you"
Nick stayed quiet trying to process all the information thrown at him at once.
"She wanted me to give you this too" Miguel pulled out an envelope with a familiar cursive written on the front. He nearly ripped the letter trying to get to it in a quick ish fashion.

Querido Nick,

Sé que esto debe ser un shock para ti y no te culparía por odiarme por el resto de tu vida. A pesar de que no es excusa, no sabía que estaba embarazada cuando me fui, y fueron tantas veces que quería llamarte para volver a casa contigo y contarte todo. Pero no pude porque la razón por la que me fui sigue detrás de mí y ahora están tratando de usar a nuestra hija en el proceso. Sé que los informes de noticias dicen que me mataron en esa explosión, pero no es cierto. Necesito derribar a la persona, la organización, que está detrás de mí, así que, por favor, no vengas a buscarme hasta que termine. Necesito que protejas a nuestra hija mientras estoy fuera. Ella va a necesitar la fuerza y el amor de su padre más que nada ahora mismo. Sé que vas a ser el mejor padre para nuestra niña, lo sé desde el caso de Cody. Te quiero por siempre y para siempre, Nicolás Torres y yo estaremos en casa tan pronto como pueda

Para siempre tuyo,


The tears began to boil up as he read her words to him. The words of encouragement, trust, and love which made his heart pang with hurt at the reasoning for this entire thing.
He left the room hastily, but not before tucking the letter into his coat pocket. He needed to see their daughter, his and Ellie's.
As he got closer, he for the first time heard the sleepily voice of his Daughter
"Daddy" she reached out to be placed in his arms in an instance "where's mommy. I want Mommy" she cried while Nick comforted her by rubbing soothing circles into her back
"I know sweetie, i miss mommy too" he lightly kissed her head as she comfort in her fathers arms, falling back to sleep in an instance.
"Are you okay Nick" Vance asked in a sort of comforting tone, while Nick grabbed his daughters bag and said "I will be" before leaving the Navy yard for the evening with his newly found daughter curled into his arms.
"Again with the secret child between two agents" Vance huffed under his breath, before heading back to his office while Palmer and Mcgee lightly chuckled his statement, leaving the others confused at Vance's remark.

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