100- Ellie and Emily- Ncis

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Special Agent Ellie Bishop adjusted her sunglasses as she stepped out of the NCIS headquarters. The sun was shining brightly, and she had a spring in her step. It was a rare day off, and she had exciting plans. As she walked toward her car, she noticed a familiar figure waiting by the entrance. Emily Fornell, the teenage daughter of her close colleague Tobias Fornell, waved enthusiastically. Emily was a spitting image of her father, with the same fiery determination and a hint of mischief in her eyes as her Mother.

"Hey, Ellie!" Emily called out. "I need your help."

Ellie raised an eyebrow. "What's up, Emily?"

"It's prom season," Emily said, her excitement palpable. "And I need a killer dress. Dad's clueless about fashion, and I can't trust my brother to pick something decent."

Ellie chuckled. "So, you want me to be your personal stylist?"

"Exactly!" Emily grinned. "You have great taste, and you're not afraid to speak your mind. Plus, you're an NCIS agent—you can handle anything!"

Ellie considered it. She had never been a fashion guru, but she loved a challenge. "Fine," she said. "But on one condition: your dad and Vance , have to approve."

Emily's eyes widened. "Deal! Let's go!"

They hopped into Ellie's car, and Emily directed her to a trendy boutique downtown. The shop was filled with sequins, lace, and tulle—every teenage girl's dream. Emily twirled among the racks, pulling out dresses in various colors and styles.

"What do you think of this one?" Emily held up a midnight-blue gown with a plunging neckline.

Ellie examined it. "Elegant," she said. "But maybe a tad too mature for you."

They continued their search, laughing and debating. Ellie found herself enjoying the role of a fairy godmother. Finally, Emily emerged from the fitting room in a blush-pink dress that hugged her curves and had just the right amount of sparkle.

"Wow," Ellie said. "You look stunning, Emily."

Emily blushed. "Thanks, Ellie. I feel like a princess."

As they left the boutique, Emily's phone buzzed. It was a text from her dad: "Approved. But no curfew extension!"

Emily rolled her eyes. "Typical Dad."

Ellie grinned. "He loves you, you know."

"Yeah," Emily said softly. "I know."

As they drove back to NCIS, Emily leaned back in her seat. "Thanks, Ellie. You're the best."

Ellie winked. "Just doing my duty, Agent Fornell."

And so, on prom night, Emily stepped down from the staircase in Gibbs home while her blush-pink dress swirling around her. Ellie watched from a distance, feeling a mix of pride as Fornell hugged his daughter with tears ran down his cheeks, while he whispered, "you look so much like your mother, sweet girl" before a knock came at the door, revealing a young man named Alex, who seemed like a decent guy. But Gibbs and Fornell, being the overprotective dads they were, decided to take matters into their own hands.As Emily stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her corsage, Gibbs and Fornell exchanged glances. They had a plan. Fornell cleared his throat and said, "You know, Emily, prom night can be quite overwhelming. Boys can be... unpredictable."Gibbs leaned against the doorframe; his arms crossed. "Yeah, they can. Remember that time I caught Tony trying to sneak out of the house with a bottle of cologne and a cheesy pickup line?"Emily raised an eyebrow. "Dad, I'm not Tony. Alex is different."Fornell stepped closer. "Different? Hah! I've seen 'different' before. Remember when I interrogated that kid who tried to ask you out last year? He was sweating bullets!"Ellie, who had been quietly observing the scene, couldn't take it anymore. She stepped forward. "Guys let's give Alex a chance. Emily's a smart girl. She can handle herself."Gibbs smirked. "Smart, huh? Well, Ellie, what's the leading cause of anxiety? Six letters, ends in 's'."Ellie rolled her eyes. "That's not fair! But fine, it's 'stress.'"Fornell pointed at Gibbs. "See? We're just looking out for her."Emily sighed. "Dad, Gibbs, I appreciate your concern, but I've got this. Alex is a nice guy. And Ellie's right—I can handle myself."As they watched Emily leave for prom, Gibbs whispered to Fornell, "You think we scared him enough?"Fornell grinned. "Oh, definitely. But let's keep an eye on that kid anyway."And so, as Emily danced the night away, Gibbs, Fornell, and Ellie sat in the living room, ready to intervene if necessary. Because when it came to their daughters, they were a force to be reckoned with—whether it was solving crimes or scaring off prom dates.

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