Cyo-slibbs, ellick, and tony- ncis

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The binging of the elevator opening to the all to familar building. He angrily walked towards
Mcgee's former desk where nick was stationed and Gibbs desk who was across from him.
"what the hell are you 2 doing?haven't you learnt anything from me?" Tony huffed while looking at his former boss and newest member of his former team. He walked towards them both making them stand up and pushed them towards the elevator
"come on,we're getting your girls back" he spoke while handing them tickets to where Ellie and Jack were located
"How did you...." Nick began to ask not knowing how he found Ellie
"Ziva has contacts" Tony finished his thought while they heading down the elevator.
Ellie who heard the incoming footsteps, she popped up with her weapon drawn.
"Nick" she sighed slowly pulling him into her shelter. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"
"I love you Ellie,I've loved you for as long as I can remember." He spilled his heart out to her before Ellie spoke.
"Nick, I can't just leave. I have work I need to complete" she was tearing up slightly trying to push her emotions down.
"Not anymore" the voice of Odette came from the emotional couple "You're no use to this mission if your head is elsewhere"
"What about the treason charges" she asked the question everyone was thinking
"I'll send proof clearing your name,you'll need to stay low for a couple days tho" Ellie nodded and hugged her mentor before Odette left the couple alone
"So looks like I'm coming home"Ellie finally spoke before being pulled into a hug by Nick. Who inhaled her scent like he was coming home after a long seperation.
"By the way, I love you too Nick. I have for a while now" she spoke before capturing his lips into hers. Before falling on to the bed finally marking each other as theirs.

While in Afghanistan, Gibbs car stopped in front of the barrack. He made his way to the field before calling out "Jack"
"Gibbs, what are doing here"
"I know your reasoning for staying,I get it " Gibbs felt the tears began to surface
"But?" Sloane asked sense the questioning undertone
"But, I want you home with me, because I love you Jack"
"I love you too Jethro" she kissed him passionately missing the taste of his lips. She pulled back before whispering against her lips saying "I'll be done with my deployment in two weeks. I want to come home to you and the team" she knew she needed to go on this deployment to find her purpose. In these 6 months she found herself missing the Ncis and the team but mostly she found herself missing Gibbs. They kissed again, he decided in that moment to extend his stay for the next two weeks. So he can bring her home to him.
The couples finally got there happily ever after and spent the rest of their days together. Building families and homes as they went back to work at Ncis. Everyday Gibbs and Nick thank Tony for pushing them back to their love's

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