Cyo- Ellie and Tony- Ncis

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"That's the play." Gibbs pointed at the ad for a parenting class conducted by his niece
Aw. We're gonna be parents.
Tony: Boss, you reading us?
Loud and clear.
All right.
So, what's the plan, bishop?
Bishop: We go in, get settled. Then I excuse myself to use the bathroom, I find dr. Soto's pc And mirror her hard drive onto this. Perfect.
Wives first.
Thanks, honey.
Soto: Come on in.
We're back here.
Please come in.
Join us.
(chuckles softly)
Oh. Hi.
Uh... (chuckles)
Um, is this the parenting class?
There was a mix-up on the web site.
Tonight is my couples intimacy class.
Well, this should be interesting.
Tony: I lied. I was a... Afraid to tell you the truth.
(chuckles) because...
I-I didn't think you would come.
Soto: Oh, I see. But you must understand, The first ingredient for intimacy is trust.
Tony: All right, let's check out these cool pillows.
(grunts, laughs)
Soto: Uh... Why don't you both sit down?
Actually, I have to use the restroom.
Please. You're here, so be here.
But I really...
Sit. Please.
(quietly): Thank you.
Now, take his hands. Huh?
Oh, gosh. For real, I-I'm actually getting over a cold.
Hands-- out.
Guess that's better than my feet.
(awkward laughter)
Now, look into his eyes...
Ah, geez.
I can't watch this.
Okay. Now what?
No. Don't break eye contact.
Bishop: So, now what?
Just keep looking. Allow yourself to explore one another's body, start with moving your hands ups and down your partners arms adding slight pressure to each touch.

Tony looked at bishop with the same what the fuck look, about how they were going to get through this.

Now one partner place your hands on the other while the other continues the same exercise.

"He's going to file for hazard pay." Vance sighed loudly while he and Gibbs were still watching from MTAC

It wasn't until they reached the second stage of the class, Sensual Touch (Including Genitals), that Ellie slipped out of the class with a simple nod to her partner to retrieve the information. Tony was not far behind her after getting the all clear text. They made their way back to the office silently and awkwardly to debrief their team.

Oh. How did your undercover op go?  Ducky happily asked the duo as they came off the elevator
No comment.  Tony curtly responded before bishop sighed loudly
(sighs) I need a shower.
Oh... (chuckles)
So, uh, who's briefing gibbs?
Not me.
I need a moment.
For what?
I may have intimacy issues.
Well, tonight, I was thankful for them.
Bishop said lightly tapping Tony on the shoulder before going to find Gibbs and Vance

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