62-Kate and Abby- Ncis

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Kate Todd had always been the epitome of professionalism. As an ex-Secret Service agent turned NCIS special agent, she was all about rules, precision, and keeping her emotions in check. But then she met Abby Sciuto—the quirky, goth forensic scientist with a penchant for caffeine and heavy metal.

Abby's lab was a colorful chaos of beakers, computers, and skull-shaped mugs. Kate would step in, her heels clicking against the linoleum floor, and Abby would greet her with a grin. "Hey, Agent Todd! Got any dead bodies for me today?"

Kate would roll her eyes. "Only if you promise not to hug them."

Abby's laughter was infectious. "Deal! But you owe me a Caf-Pow."

And so, they'd work side by side—Kate with her sharp mind and Abby with her intuition. They'd argue about evidence, share theories, and occasionally sneak out for late-night pizza. Kate admired Abby's passion, her unwavering commitment to justice, and the way she wore her heart on her sleeve.

One rainy evening, after a particularly grueling case, they found themselves alone in the lab. Abby was analyzing fibers from a crime scene, her fingers flying across the keyboard. Kate watched her—the way her eyes sparkled when she cracked a code, the way her lips moved silently as she thought.

"Abby," Kate said, her voice softer than usual.

Abby looked up, her black-rimmed eyes curious. "What's up, Kate?"

Kate hesitated. "You know, we make a good team."

Abby grinned. "The best! Like Batman and Robin, but with better hair."

Kate chuckled. "Yeah, something like that."

Abby leaned closer, her scent of coffee and vanilla enveloping Kate. "You know what else makes a good team?"

Kate's heart raced. "What?"

Abby's finger traced the edge of Kate's collar. "Lipstick and lab coats."

Kate blinked. "What?"

Abby's lips were inches away. "Kate, I've been wanting to do this for a while."

And then she kissed her—a soft, tentative press of lips. Kate's mind went blank. Abby tasted like coffee and something sweet—maybe the strawberry lip balm she always wore. It was unexpected, yet perfect.

When they pulled apart, Kate's cheeks were flushed. "Abby, we're at work."

Abby grinned. "And?"

Kate sighed. "And we're both women."

Abby's eyes held a challenge. "So?"

Kate's heart swirled with confusion. "So, it's complicated."

Abby leaned against the lab table. "Kate, life's too short for complications. Besides, we're NCIS agents. We deal with bombs, bullets, and bad guys. A little kiss won't hurt."

And so, in that dimly lit lab, Kate kissed Abby again. This time, it was longer—more urgent. Their lips moved together, a dance of desire and vulnerability. Kate forgot about rules, about gender norms, about everything except Abby.

When they finally broke apart, Abby grinned. "See? Chemistry."

Kate shook her head. "You're impossible."

Abby winked. "But you love me."

And maybe she did. Maybe they were more than colleagues, more than friends. Maybe they were a team—a mix of lipstick and lab coats, solving crimes and stealing kisses.

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