cyo-tony and ellie-ncis

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The fluorescent lights flickered as Tony DiNozzo stepped back into the familiar bullpen of NCIS. The air smelled of coffee and printer ink, and the sound of keyboards clacking filled the room. It had been years since he left, but the memories rushed back—the camaraderie, the cases, the late nights.

He glanced around, spotting familiar faces. McGee sat at his desk, typing away, his glasses perched on his nose. Ziva's old desk remained empty, a silent reminder of her absence. And then there was Ellie Bishop—the newest addition to the team.

Tony's eyes lingered on Ellie. She was hunched over her computer, her expression focused. He remembered when she'd first joined—bright-eyed, eager, and a little overwhelmed. She'd grown into her role, proving herself as a valuable asset.

But something had changed. Tony could see it in her eyes—the shadows, the weight of loss. He'd heard the rumors—the tragic end to her relationship with Qasim Naasir. The man had been her rock, her confidant, and now he was gone.

McGee noticed Tony's arrival and stood up. "Tony," he said, "you're back."

Tony nodded. "Yeah, just for a visit. How's everyone doing?"

McGee hesitated. "Bishop... She's been through a lot. Qasim's death hit her hard."

Tony's heart clenched. He remembered losing Ziva, the pain that had consumed him. "I know what that's like," he said quietly. "Losing someone you love."

McGee nodded. "She's tough, but she could use some support."

Tony walked over to Ellie's desk. She looked up, surprise in her eyes. "Tony? What are you doing here?"

He leaned against the edge of her desk. "Just checking in. Heard about Qasim. I'm sorry."

Ellie's gaze dropped to her hands. "Thank you."

Tony knew the feeling—the emptiness, the guilt. "You don't have to go through this alone," he said. "I've been there. If you need to talk, I'm here."

She met his eyes, vulnerability shining through. "Why are you being so nice?"

He smiled. "Because sometimes, even the toughest agents need someone to lean on."

And so, in the quiet of the bullpen, Tony DiNozzo—the seasoned investigator—offered his support to Ellie Bishop. They were both echoes of loss, navigating grief in a world that demanded strength.

As they sat there, side by side, Tony hoped that maybe, just maybe, he could help her find a way back from the darkness.

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