Cyo- Parker, Knight, McGee, and Torres-Ncis

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"Parker, you still got your briefcase"
"What are you thinking McGee" Torres cut in before could finish his thought
"I'm thinking we pull a "Bishop" McGee answered with a smirk across his face and a hint of sadness underneath remembering his friend, who he thought of as a little sister.
"A bishop" Nick asked in a tone McGee knew all too well. A tone he only used during the short amount of times he talked about Ellie since she left.
"The first day bishop worked a case with us, the first day we ever met her. she waltzed into interrogation all calm and cool letting the suspect believe that she was his lawyer. She got him to write down the information we needed. While also confusing the hell out of Dinozzo. But I got to say I've never seen him so impressed before in my life" McGee smiled at the memories, of the happier times on the job. When it was him, Dinozzo, bishop, and Gibbs working together. He always felt bishop was exactly what the team needed after Ziva's departure and now they're all gone. All moved on and that sadden him
Knight spoke up pulling McGee out of his memories. " so you want Parker to pretend to be his lawyer"
McGee nodded at her statement before parker asked the question everyone else in the room was thinking
"Is that even legal"
"Legal-ish as long as you don't out rightly say your his lawyer" McGee responses before Parker headed to the suspect. Nick still had the kicked puppy look he always had when bishop was mentioned. Knight lightly placed a hand on torres shoulder with concern in her eyes
"You ok" she remembered the state bishops leaving put him in
"I'm fine" he shrugged off her hand and intensely watched the interrogation.

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