120-Laselle and bishop- Ncis and ncis New Orleans

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LaSalle and Bishop sit at the bar, their fingers brushing against each other as they sip their drinks.

LaSalle: You know, Bishop, this whole undercover thing would be a lot easier if we weren't pretending to be a couple.

Bishop: (smirking) Oh, I don't know. We make a convincing pair. Besides, it's not every day I get to cozy up to a rugged Cajun like you.

LaSalle: (leaning in) You think I'm rugged, huh? Well, I've been called worse.

The jazz band strikes up a slow, sensual tune. LaSalle takes Bishop's hand, leading her to the dance floor.

LaSalle: (whispering) You know, Bishop, there's something about dancing that brings people closer. Makes them forget about the danger, the secrets.

Bishop: (resting her head on his shoulder) Maybe that's why we're so good at this. We're experts at pretending, at hiding our true selves.

LaSalle: (pulling her closer) Or maybe we're just two lost souls, seeking refuge in each other.

LaSalle and Bishop step out onto the balcony, the moon casting shadows on their faces.

Bishop: (looking out at the city) You ever wonder what it would be like if this were real? If we weren't agents, if we didn't have to hide?

LaSalle: (tracing circles on her palm) Yeah, I do. But then reality slaps me in the face. We're here to catch a Russian spy, not fall in love.

Bishop: (softly) Maybe love isn't such a bad cover. Maybe it's the one thing that can save us from drowning in this sea of deception.

Their eyes lock, the tension between them palpable. LaSalle leans in, and Bishop meets him halfway.

LaSalle: (against her lips) You're right, Bishop. Maybe love is our best weapon.

Their kiss is a blend of longing and urgency, a promise of something more.

As the sun rises over New Orleans, LaSalle and Bishop lie tangled in each other's arms.

Bishop: (whispering) So, when this mission is over, what happens to us?

LaSalle: (tracing her lips with his thumb) Maybe we'll find a way to be real. To be more than just undercover hearts.

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