102- Torres and Bishop- Ncis

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In the dimly lit living room of Odette's house, Nick Torres stood, his heart heavy. The air smelled of old books and memories—just like the woman he was about to say goodbye to. Ellie Bishop, his partner, had always been a mystery, a mix of vulnerability and strength. But now, she was leaving, and Nick wasn't sure how to handle it.

Ellie paced, her eyes darting around the room. "Nick, I need you to understand. This is something I have to do."

He clenched his jaw. "Leaving without a word? After everything we've been through?"

She stopped, her gaze locking onto his. "Sometimes there is nothing to be said."

Nick stepped closer, frustration bubbling inside him. "You planted those NSA files, didn't you? You're going undercover."

Ellie nodded. "Odette needs me. And where I'm going, I need to be a disgraced NCIS agent."

Nick's mind raced. Odette, the former CIA operative, had always been a shadowy figure. But if she trusted Ellie, then maybe Nick should too. Still, it hurt—the way Ellie was slipping away, leaving him with unanswered questions.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he demanded. "We're partners."

Ellie's voice softened. "Nick, I didn't mean for us to happen. But sometimes, duty calls."

He reached for her, pulling her close. "This isn't goodbye," he whispered. "You'll come back."

Ellie's lips brushed against his. "I hope so."

And then, in that small room, they shared a kiss—a mix of longing and uncertainty. Nick held her tightly, as if he could anchor her to this moment, to him.

But Ellie pulled away, her eyes glassy. "Take care of yourself, Nick."

He watched her walk out the door, disappearing into the night. The room felt emptier without her, and Nick wondered if he'd ever see Ellie Bishop again.

As he stood there, alone, he realized that sometimes, love was about letting go—even when it hurt. And maybe, just maybe, their paths would cross again, in another dimly lit room, with secrets and goodbyes hanging in the air.

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