5- Ellie and Tony-Ncis

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"What the.....the hell?" Bishop asked in a confused tone while looking at her friend Tony  and his girlfriend Zoe, who were half naked while handcuffed to each other.
"Bishop, um...." Zoe quickly pulled the sheet right around their bodies  while Tony was still hovering over hers
Bishop bursted out laughing at the scene, the type of laugh that left her in a coughing fit afterwards. While Tony and Zoe were staring at her annoyedly with a mix of amusement
"Are you done"
"Tony I thought....I don't know what the hell i thought. What.... You called me for this." She question while trying not to burst out laughing again at the scene in front of her
"You're number was the easiest to find since your the last person I called bish.especially the only one I trust in this situation to grab the key"
"The key!you need the key? You called me over here to walk across the room to get you the key out of your pants pocket ." Bishop began laughing again at the situation at hand while walking over to grab the key from his back pocket.
"He wouldn't allow me to call one of my atf friends"
"And have another former colleagues see me like this, pass"
"It's not like you haven't slept with either of them before" Zoe joked at the irony of the situation while bishop made her way towards the bed.
"All right, let me...let me...let me just unlock you then"
"Uh-uh-uh-uh, did I ask you too el's just put it right there where I can get to it" Tony pointed at his nightstand while bishop asked in a confused tone "seriously"
"Mhmm we good, you can go" Zoe slightly mimicked Tony's words
"Mm!m'kay well damn get it girl" her words pointed towards Zoe before she moved over to grab the taser from Zoe's atf belt "let me We'll I mean let me just bring this over here just in case y'all want to get kinky with the taser" bishop began to leave as the laughing fit returned
"Bye bishop"
"See ya Monday Tony, bye Zoe"
"Bye ellie" Zoe called out while the couple still heard bishops laughter echo through his living room, before finally hearing the door close.
"Ellie really" Zoe asked smacking Tony on the chest
"Would you rather it be McGee or Gibbs" Tony spoke leaving no way from her to refute
These events just kicked of a lot of alone time spent in each others arms, all weekend long.

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