59- Ellie and Gibbs- Ncis

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Gibbs eyes began to flutter open, as the sun began to rise through the bedroom window.while feeling weight on his chest and his legs. Bishops blonde hair tickled  under his chin as her arm stretched lazily over his chest. He lightly played with her hair as the sun came up further, flashing brighter rays in Ellie's direction.
She growled lowly before moving further into Gibbs chest.
"Morning sunshine" Gibbs lightly kissed her head while his tone was one of playfulness at her mood.
"Morning" she grumbled under her breath at the earliness of the morning, when a familiar set of paws headed towards Ellie's face.
"Morning boots" her voice finally spoke slightly happy as she petted a purring kitten who stretched out further next to Ellie on Gibbs chest. They spent the rest of the morning cuddled up together in bed.while boots purred even more as Ellie petted his belly and Gibbs patted him on the head lovingly.

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