Chapter 3

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Christopher's pov
It was 4 in the afternoon when Christopher started packing up his office and making his way out. He dropped by his boss's office to give him a few files then he was gone.

He got into his car and zoomed home. When he finally arrived he took a long bath. After drying off the stress of what he was going to wear started settling in. "omg I don't even have clothes to wear " whined Christopher. He started rampaging through his closet in order to find something. He settled on a pair of pestle pink cotton shorts and a white crop top along with some white forces and a small pink hand bag which he put some lip gloss, tissue, wipes, his drivers license for identification because he was second guessing bringing his ID and then finally his wallet and cell phone . He did his makeup and hair and he was ready to go.

He contemplated taking his car but after analyzing his plans of getting drunk tonight he settled on taking an Uber. He checked the location his friend had sent him and the place was 30 minutes away and it was already 5:50. He was definitely going to get a scolding when he arrives. He finally arrived and a big neon sign with the words "Caltin club " written in bold caught his attention . He entered and immediately found his best friend who surprisingly let his lateness slide after he saw how pretty he looked. "omg chrissy you so pretty "said Evan cutely."thank you "responded Christopher shyly."you look super pretty to"said Christopher to Evan."thanks "Evan responded. Evan was dressed in a long sleeve blue crop top and a pair of demin blue jotts with some white forces and a white bag. He also did his make up and hair which made him look 10 times cuter than he already was.

Evan and Christopher set of to the bar where they collected their drinks and then set of to the dance floor.

Victors pov

Victor was on a rant about his horrible meeting and his dumb employees when James stopped him. "you know wat u need a drink " said James. Victor nodded in agreement as he stood up from the couch that they were sitting on in James office and started making his way out with James behind him.

They walked to the VVIP lounge that over looked the general area and sat on a comfortable couch. They ordered drinks and started talking when one of James mangers came. "sir there is a problem with the security and apparently someone is selling drugs " said the manger before he was dismissed. "aggg lemme go deal with this bullshit I'll be right back " said James in an annoyed tone. "no problem " mumble Victor silently as he still had the rim of his glass on his lips.

After James left Victor stood up and looked over the balcony that over looked the general area. There were so many people but one person in particular caught his eye. An extremely pretty boy in pink and white to be specific. He was dancing with his friend who was also cute but HE was his type so without hesitating he called one of the waiters in the VVIP Lounge. "yes sir " the waiter responded. "You see that boy over there... "he started pointing at the pretty boy."YES... "Said the waiter confused."I want you to order him a Pina colada... And give it to him and don't hesitate to tell him where it came from " "yes sir " said the waiter before leaving to do his given task.

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