Chapter 10

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Victors pov

Today was a hectic morning for Victor. He was really busy with taking Christopher to work and still having to prepare for his meeting. Christophers outfit looked so good this morning he wanted nothing more than to bend him over and fuck him senseless. During lunch Victor noticed that Christopher was very quiet which was something unusual for the boy. He only spoke when he was spoken to which worried Victor and had him wondering if he had done or said something wrong.

James and Victor were currently sitting on the couch in Victors office discussing a few "business "related things "hey man is everything okay you spacing out alot " asked James. "yeah man it's just I'm worried I fucked up with Christopher. He was being weirdly quiet which is strange". "I thought it was just a one time thing but... don't worry about it man... if it's stressing you so much call him and find out if he's okay ". "wellll youuu see I.... I don't have his number ". "wait what". "I didn't get the chance to ask him for it but I'll ask when I pick him up later today ". "you better... Anyways I just found out that Devon is landing tomorrow ". "wait why is he coming? ". "he said he can't explain over the phone. He wants to talk to me and you face to face ". "then it's got to be something serious ". "yeah well I'm gonna leave you to work cause tomorrow we've got big things to handle... I'll send you the location of where we meeting along with the time so don't be late lover boy ". "not you pretending like we both don't know who you going to see after here ". "yeah well I am going to see Oliver and unlike you I actually have his number and ohhh wait we live togather and I get to see him anytime I want". "asshole ". James just laughed as he walked out of Victors office.

Victor was so occupied with work that entire afternoon. He finished 2 days worth of workload as he wouldn't be coming to the office the next day. Victor then checked the time on his Rolex which informed him that it was 4 in the afternoon. "let me go fetch Christopher "he mumbled to himself. He then left the office just after informing his assistant that he won't be coming into work tomorrow. He then arrived at Christophers building 30 minutes later, parked at the bottom and sat in his car patiently waiting for Christopher .

Christophers pov

After Christopher left Evans office to go to his own with the intention of finishing his work he just sat there being unproductive. Thoughts of a certain handsome man were running wild in his head. "are we moving to fast..... Is it to soon to start liking him...I mean we literally met a day ago.... Aggg what should I do.... Maybe I should ask him for space and time.... But we not dating or anything so what the fuck am I talking about..... Maybe I should ghost him... Aggg but he's to nice for me to pull such an evil stunt.... WHAT SHOULD I DO! " Christopher was deep in thought when Evan walked into his office." bye Chris I'm leaving "."ohh why so soon? ". "so soon Chris it's literally quarter to five ". "OMG REALLY ". "yes really ". "he's probably already waiting for me I should also get going " said Christopher in a panicked voice as he began packing his stuff quickly.

After packing Christopher went downstairs and walked out of the building. He immediately caught sight of a fancy car. He quickly walked to it and knocked on the passenger side door praying that this was the right car as he couldn't see through due to the dimmed windows. He heard the doors unlock and after he opened the door he was met with the sexy sight of Victor who had his tie loose and his jacket of with his shirt sleeves rolled up. "hey" said Christopher awkwardly . "hey" said James awkwardly. "how was work " asked Christopher. "it was fine... How was work for you ". "kind of stressful today but overall fine ". Victor then drove off in the direction of Christophers apartment. They sat in an extremely awkward silence as Christopher kept thinking of ways to distance himself from Victor. Christopher was so zoned out that he didn't even notice when Victor pulled up to his apartment complex. "we are here Christopher ". "Chris " said Christopher trying to set some boundaries. "okay CHRIS we have arrived " said Victor putting emphasis on his name. "sorry I-I shouldn't have done that.... Thank you for today you really did so much for me and I appreciate it"
"it's okay and it was my pleasure... Hey actually I was wondering if I could get your number ". "ohh umm okay ". Victor passed Christopher his phone and watched as he typed in his number. "text me when you get home " said Christopher politely as he made his way out of the car. "bye Victor ". "bye Chris ".

After leaving the car Christopher felt weird. He found it weird hearing Victor call him Chris,but that's what he wanted isn't it. Christopher arrived in his apartment and collapsed on his couch. It was time for his mental breakdown down. He started with one tear then two and before he knew it he was full on crying. He kept thinking about him and what he had done. He kept thinking about the abuse, the hurt, the violations. He then thought of his family and what they did to him. Then the final thing that pushed him to his breaking point was thinking about a guy he met a day ago. One who seemed so perfect. He didn't cry because he hated him he cried because he was starting to like him and that scared him . He cried because he was scared that this perfect guy he wanted to give a chance to might end up hurting him like that abuser did. He was worried he would give his trust and heart to the wrong person again. He kept crying for a while until he started to calm down.

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