Chapter 21

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Victors pov

The was a knock on the door and I knew exactly who it was. I walked to the door and opened for Christopher. "hey Vicky" he said with a wide smile on his beautiful face. "hey baby" I said leaning in to give him a kiss on his soft pink lips. "are you ready to discuss the contract" I asked as I closed the door and lead him to the living room area. "I think I'm ready I'm just kind of nervous you know" he said while bitting on his plump lips. " I understand baby it's completely normal to be nervous and just know I won't judge you okay because I also expect to not be judged by you". "okay... I promise not to judge you". He said as he held out his pinky. I intertwined my pinky with his and he smiled widely. Christopher loved pinky promises and he believed in them which I found extremely adorable.

I then picked up the big white envelope that was sitting on the coffee table in front of us. I ripped it open and pulled out the contract I had drafted. "here is the contract baby if you like something and have done it before tick green, if you have done it and you do not like it tick red then if you have never done it but want to try it tick blue ... I have already filled in my side so you can go through it and then we can discuss certain things that you feel aren't clear" ." okay... Ohhh what if I haven't don't it before but I don't want to try it " he asked looking nervous . I chuckled before telling him to tick red.

Christopher's pov

After Victor gave me the contract I saw all the things that were ticked from his side. He ticked things like bondage, spanking, water sports, toy play, etc. I was excited for every thing that I saw except the water sports. "ummm Vicky about the water sports...I-I'm not really comfortable with it b-because I've never done it before" I said nervously. "well would you like to try it before you officially decide weather or not you would like it. Also it's not going to be a whole scene where we just urinate on each other and stuff it's kind of like a passing thing for instances were you or I happen to squirt". "ohhh okay then I would like to try it". "you can tick the blue box then". After ticking blue for water sports I ticked red for skat. I also noticed Victor had ticked red for it so I was happy. After going through the different scenes it's was time for the rules. I flipped to the rules page before reading then silently.

1. Submissive should be honest at all times about there feelings and problems even though they think it's something "dumb"
2.Submissive is required to eat healthy and send photos of all food that they eat to their dominant.
3 submissive is required to stay over at the dominants house Atleast 3 times a week no less unless the submissive has a valid reason.
4. Submissive should always tell their dominant when they are not feeling okay physically weather it be a sickness (flu, fever, etc ) or from sex.
5. Submissive has the right to postpone a punishment or scene if they are not feeling well (as long as a valid reason is given to the dominant )
6. The submissive should allow the Dominant to take care of them and their needs .
7. The submissive can only have one dominant and the dominant can only have one submissive as this is an exclusive arrangement .
8. If the dominate does something that the submissive is not comfortable with. The submissive has to tell the dominant .
9. The submissive is expect to behave and follow all the rules accordingly.
10. The submissive should always safe word if they are in pain, uncomfortable or just not in the mood anymore.
11. No cussing is allowed from the submissive.
12. No pleasuring yourself without the dominants permission.
13,14,15 etc the rules went on.
After reading the rules and punishments and discussing them with Victor for clarity I signed of on  both the rules and punishments.

"now baby are there any rules that you have for me that you want added on the contract." asked Victor."unmmmm yes actually I want you to not control me and my everyday life... I mean things like bed time curfews and stuff." I said fiddling with my fingers. "okay baby so since you don't want that does the rule of healthy eating and sending me pictures of everything you eat bother you... I mean it is kind of an everyday rule that affects your day to day life". "well I'm comfortable with that one because I already send you picture of half of what I eat or wear so I don't mind". "okay baby... Anything else you want added". He asked while holding a pen. "I-I don't want you to isolate me from my friends and stuff... Also I don't want you to force yourself on me. I also want you to provide me with after care like cuddles, chocolates, fluffy blankets and pj's with lots of kisses because I get emotionally confused sometimes after a scene. I also just want you to be gentle with me and understand when I can't scene with you later on in the day even after we have agreed on it because stuff happens and I don't want to do it anymore. I a-also d-dont want to be forced to have sex with other people... I want it to be a discussion between me and you or we should both be in the mood and have an agreement with one another. Also since you have to take care of me I want to take care of you too... I-I know it's alot but I want to protect myself too incase this does not go as planned" I said. I was very particular with my rules because in my previous relationship they were not specific and I ended up getting hurt pretty bad I don't want to go through that again.

"it's okay baby I completely understand... Ohhh since I don't allow you to cuss do you allow me to and also do you permit me to call you a slut, a whore, etc only during sexually relations ." he asked. I like that Victor wanted to get all the details of this contract so nothing that we don't like happens. I like when Victor cusses... my favorite word coming from him is" fuck" it just sounds so sexy even if it's not directed at me because he has never cussed at me directly. He says it When he's on the phone or when he's fucking the brains out of me or when he burns himself with something or he slightly ingures himself it sounds so fucken sexy. I also like when he calls me a whore, a slut or a cock slut during sex, it arouses me and makes me want more of him and that big cock. Agggg I was beginning to get horny from just discussing a contract. "umm Christopher do you mind love". I started blushing as I realized he has been waiting for my answer for a while now. "ummm it's okay I don't mind at all". Victor smiled at me then stated that we were done. It took us two hours and 45 minutes to discuss our contract and what to add or remove in terms of rules and scenes.

"Vicky I'm hungry" I said rubbing on my flat tummy. For someone who eats as much as I do I'm suprised I'm not chubby. "I actually made us dinner so we can go dish up and eat." ohhhh can we eat while watching TV... There's this series I want us to watch". I asked with a pout.

Victors pov

"yes we can baby" I said with a smile. I couldn't say no to Christopher at all. He looked so beautiful every time he asked for things. I didn't allow my submissives to eat on my couch nor did I allow them to have sex with me in my room on my bed. I also never allowed any one night stand to have sex with me in my house let alone wear my clothes, eat breakfast with me that I personally prepared, kiss me and then have me as their personal chauffeur for the day . Yet Christopher had managed to get me to do all those things and also allow him to do all the things that I don't usually permit . He was special to me from the very first night we met hence I treated him differently from any and everyone else from the start . I just hope he does not disappoint me or break my heart.

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