Chapter 29

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Victors pov

After leaving Christopher's house I went to my father's house. We then left his house togather and made our way to the warehouse because apparently they had found the mole. I walked into the warehouse feeling very pissed and ready to murder whoever this fucker who was taking my time away from my baby was.

I walked into the room he was kept in with my father only to find James cleaning his gun while the calprit sat tied up in a chair at the center of the room. "wassup James ". "hey Vic ... Mr Austen " James said acknowledging both my dad and I. My dad just nodded at him in acknowledgement . "look vic you not gonna like what you see I decided not to do anything because I believe you gonna wanna handle this one yourself because it's personal " said James as he handed me the gun he was cleaning before he left with my dad. I took a deep breath before unzipping my hoodie and putting it on the table with the torture equipment . I then walked up to the chair and yanked the bag of the person's head. I stood in shock as I came face to face with Lucas."what the fuck luke ".

He began crying as he struggled to get his words out because of the tape wrapped around his mouth. "how could you fucken do this " I asked in an angry voice as I ripped the tape of his mouth so he could answer me. "I-I'm s-sorry Victor p-please f-f-forgive me" he stuttered out as he began crying loudly. The sight in front of me was annoying but most importantly it was pitiful and heart wrenching.

I felt so betrayed by Lucas and a small part of me just wanted to end him right now but a bigger part of me just wanted him to explain to me and for me to forgive him. "why did you do it "I asked coldly as I pressed a knife to his throat. "Victor I'm sorry "he said still crying. "I fucken asked you why you did it so answer me dammit "I said now raising my voice at him. "b-because they forced me... Victor they found my real family and threatened to kill them if I didn't tell them... Victor I didn't have a choice ".

"you always have a fucken Choice... Why didn't you tell me about this huh why did you just think you could get through it alone... I could have fucken helped you "I said now screaming at him. Lucas was like my little brother. I cared about him and honestly if I he wasn't my baby brother I would have killed him without awaiting an explanation .

"because lately you so busy with your boy toy you don't even pay attention to me. Do you know how many times I tried to reach you, James or Devon I even tried Rayn but you all were to busy to help me I did not have a choice Victor okay I'm sorry I betrayed you but I wanted to survive... I wanted my family to survive " screamed Lucas while crying.

I just stood there dumbfounded as Lucas rambled on and on about how I didn't pay attention to him and how I wasn't there when he needed me the most. I felt guilty but there is no level of guilt that could erase the level of betrayal I felt right now so I decided to be honest with Lucas.

"Luke  Im sorry for not being there when you needed me the most but you still betrayed me and that's all that matters. I'm human to Luke I'm gonna catch feelings and start liking other people. I'm not going to die alone and for you to use my relationship with my "boy toy " who for your information is my submissive as an excuse to betray me just shows me that I can't trust you for shit. Lucas I care about you like a little brother so I won't hurt or kill you instead I will let you go and I never want to see you ever again. I want you out of my life and out of my family's lives and because everyone in my mafia is family  you just lost your entire family while trying to protect a family that doesn't give a fuck about you. They left you outside to die but because I was kind I took you in... Looking back at it saving you was the biggest mistake I have ever made because you have caused me so much loss not just financial but also emotional loss and pain. Do you know how many nights my boy toy spent trying to make me feel better cause your snitching was stressing me out and I could barely sleep...I just want you out of my life Lucas and I will never forgive you for this shit "I said sternly as I slowly made my way out of the warehouse.

Lucas cried as he tried to explain himself "Victor wait don't leave I'm sorry Victor take me back please I'm sor-" I cut him off by loudly slamming the door ,as I left the room I came face to face with James and my dad. "you knew about this didn't you" I asked looking directly at my dad. "I wanted you to see it for yourself vic". "you could have fucken told me... You could have warned me that my fucken brother betrayed me " I roared loudly as I aggressively inched closer to my father.

"Lucas was like a son to me vic don't you think I also felt a certain type of way when I found out huh... Stop being fucking selfish Vic " . "aggg fuck" I screamed as I hit the wall before I started walking out of the warehouse. The last thing on my mind was how my father was going to get home. I needed to see Christopher so bad. I got into my car and checked my wrist watch to see that it was 3 in the morning. I then started my car and drove to my Angels apartment. Hopefully he isn't awake yet.

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