Chapter 30

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Christopher's pov

I fell asleep with Victor massaging me. I then woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom only to notice Victor wasn't here. I quickly got out of bed to check for his belongings but they were gone. His phone wasn't there so I knew he was gone. I tried calling him multiple times but he didn't answer. I also tired texting him multiple times but he still didn't answer.

A few hours went by without me hearing anything from Victor and I didn't know whether to be worried or angry. I was worried because something bad could have happened to him but I was also angry because he left me in the middle of the fucken night after promising me he would stay.Victor is hiding something I know he is and I'm going to find out what the fuck it is.

It was now early morning around half past 2 when I was sitting on the couch waiting for Victor. I didn't know whether he would come back or not but I just sat there being hopeful. I eventually fell asleep on the couch while evaluating my feelings for Victor after he ditched me tonight to probably go fuck some other bitch.

I woke up from my light sleep when I heard the door click open. I woke up and drowsyly stood up from the couch. I came face to face with Victors face. He's face had so many emotions displayed, the was guilt probably from leaving me to fuck some bitch. The was hurt probably from getting thrown out from the bitches house. The were also some other emotions I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Chris-"I cut Victor off before he could even finish . "get out" I said with no emotion. "baby please let me expl-". "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT". "baby -". "don't fucken baby me okay just get the fuck out... Leave! Go back where you came from and I don't want to  see you ever again".

I was crying now because how could he do this to me. Does he always sneak out when he promises to stay here with me is this a everytime thing. I was just so overwhelmed with emotions. The fact that we didn't even have a relationship label made shit worse I mean how the fuck am I supposed to tell my sneaky link that I'm hurt because he left in the middle of the fucken night. Victor isn't my lover so I can't even complain.

Victor walked closer to me and hugged me while I just cried. "I'm so sorry love" he said while hugging me tightly and rubbing my back. "no the fuck you not... You not sorry because you promised not to hurt me you even pinky promised me but then you go out and cheat on me in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping"I said while crying . "wait what... Woah woah woah baby I wasn't cheating on you I would never ever do that I was just...". "you were just what huh". "I was handling some business baby I promise it will never happen again". "what business Victor" . "baby I wish I could tell you but I can't and I'm so sorry for that". "no you not cause if you were really sorry you would tell me what you were doing in the middle of the night".

"baby can we talk about this later it's early now and we should go to bed". "leave me the fuck alone and I told you to leave my apartment... I don't sleep with liars "I said as I struggled out of his tight grip around my waist . "baby I'm really sorry about this okay my father called me and told me to go to his house because there was an emergency".I looked at Victor confused because he has never mentioned his father before.

"well I don't trust you so show me some evidence "I said with an attitude as I crossed my arms on my chest . Victor took out his phone from his pocket before powering it on. I just stood there awkwardly as I waited for him to show me the evidence. "here baby see he called me countless times but I only saw the calls after you had fallen asleep and I didn't want to wake you up ".I stood there feeling guilty because he's father could have been dying and I'm out here accusing him of cheating. " okay let's go to bed "I said with a pout as I walked to my room with my arms still crossed .

When we got into the room Victor striped to his boxers then went into bed with me as he wrapped he's arms around . I put my head on his chest as I tried to fall asleep again."Daddy... "I called softly as I bit my lower lip. " yes princess "he answered in his deep voice as he ran his fingers threw my hair ". "please don't leave me " I said as I tilted my head up so we were looking at each other. "I won't ever do it again princess". That sentence was clarity enough for me to get comfortable on his chest and fall asleep as he played with my hair.

Victor's pov

This day has barely started and I'm already tired of it. I got betrayed, I disrespected my father and I also made my princess cry all in one morning mind you the sun hasn't even fucken risen yet . I can't believe Christopher thought I was cheating on him. I know my disappearence was unexpected and uncalled for but cheating is just so out of pocket for me. I would never cheat especially not on someone as perfect as Christopher I love him and I want to show him that my loyalty lays with him. So as he drifted of to sleep I took out my phone and started checking the present I want to get him for Friday.

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