Chapter 33

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Christopher's pov

We drove for about 35 minutes before we pulled up to this very familiar restaurant opposite a lake. The restaurant was so beautiful. "we are here love "said Victor as he park the car . He then came to my side and opened the door for me. "thank you "I said shyly as I took his large hand.

Victor and I walked hand in hand to the entrance. "this place is very beautiful "I said as we walked to the reception area togather. "it's not as beautiful as you baby "Victor said as he smiled at me. I just blushed as we reached the reception area. "good evening Mr austen. You are just on time for your reservation. Our staff is done setting up and clearing the area so you all set" said the receptionist as Victor slipped her a piece of paper. She read it before saying "okay sir don't worry about it. You do know the way right "she asked. "yes I do " answered Victor. As we walked further into the restaurant the lady at the reception area waved at me. I waved back at her shyly before we turned the corner.

"okay baby now I have to cover your eyes "said Victor as he stopped in front of a door. "whyyyy " I asked smiling through my confusion. "please baby I promise it's a good surprise. "okay fine ". Victor then took out a cloth from his pocket before covering my eyes. He then lead me as I couldn't see. Eventually I felt my heels walking on grass and I knew we were outside. " okay baby I'm going remove your blindfold now okay ". " okay". He then removed removed my blind fold and I just stood surprised.

Victors pov

Christopher stood and stared around before he screamed and jumped into my arms. "omg Vicky how did you know " he asked. "well I did some research and asked around ". "baby thank you I really love this restaurant and the view agggh thank you so much daddy "he said as he hugged me tightly. "it's my pleasure love "I said kissing his forehead.

After some hours of research I realized I was struggling to find a good restaurant so I called Evan and asked which restaurants Christopher liked and he told me he has never been to this one but he really liked it so I immediately booked it and reserved the entire outside lakeside View area for us.

I then walked us to our table before I pulled a chair out for Christopher. After we were both seated I called the waitress over to give us the menus before I dismissed her. "Vicky on a serious not how did you know I've always wanted to come here "he asked while smiling. "lucky guess love ". "you lying no guess can be this lucky so tell me "he said glaring at me playfully .

"first promise you won't get angry at me ". "okay I promise now tell me ". "okay so I went to see your friend Evan and he along with Oliver my friend's fiance helped me plan this ". "omg that's why Evan was acting so weird this entire week and I should meet this Oliver and thank him because he did an amazing job "he said smiling happily.

" daddy I really really REALLY appreciate you bringing me here... Gosh I'm so happy right now ". " it's my pleasure love "I said as I stared at my beautiful boy. Christopher looked absolutely breathtaking tonight. I don't know how long I can contain myself let alone keep my  hands away from him. "what do you want to eat princess ". " hmmmm I don't know it's kind of hard to decide "." Do you want me to order for you love ". I know ordering food for him was weird but it would make me feel good. "yes please "he said shyly. "hi are you ready to order ". Yes we are ".

I then ordered for the both of us before dismissing the waitress."the view is amazing vic "said Christopher as he stared at the lake". "yes it is" I said mindlessly as I stared at his pretty face. "so you finally took me to the dinner that you promised me huh "said Christopher in a teasing tone ". "yes I figured I might as well take you to dinner before I do your laundry for this week ". Christopher just laughed. "so when are you doing my laundry Vicky ". "I'm thinking Sunday ". "why not tomorrow ". "well about tomorrow I have a Suprise for you ". "ohhh what is it " Christopher asked excited . "it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you.

We than had dinner with me having steak and mashed potatoes and Christopher having chicken Alfredo. We spoke about random things through out the night. Hanging out with Christopher was fun. He was funny and open to any and every conversation. " tonight has been amazing "said Christopher as he finished his main course . "yes it has... Christopher I really enjoy every second I spend with you"I said honestly.

"I also enjoy every second I spend with you too... You make me very happy Vicky... I've never been this happy with someone like I am with you "he said shyly. "Christopher I - I really really like you like REALLY REALLY like you. I have never ever been this happy with someone before. I feel like you understand me and you also forgive me everytime I fuck up which I'm shameful to say has been alot. You make me feel complete baby. I can't imagine my life without you which is why I want you in my life forever. With that being said Christopher Justin Robbins will you do me the honor of becaming my beautiful boyfriend ". Christopher stared at me in shock as he started crying silently.

"OMG YESSSSS VICKYY YESSSSS! "he said standing up. I also stood up and we met half way for a tight hug. "you have no idea how long I have waited for you to ask me this question "said Christopher with tears in his eyes. " I know baby and I'm so sorry it took me so long to ask you it's just I wanted this to be special "I said while wiping the tears of joy of off his beautiful face.

" I also got you something "I said as I pulled away to pick up a gift bag from the foot of my chair. " this is for you love "I said as I handed him the gift. He opened it then he looked at me in shock for the hundredth time tonight .

Christopher's pov

Victor got me my dream necklace with a matching bracelet. I was so shocked because only Evan knew I wanted this. I've been saving for it for close to a year. "Vicky... Why are you so good to me "I asked crying because Victor really put alot if thought into this date . " because you deserve it baby "he said as he held my waist while I tucked my face into his neck.

I didn't wear the necklace because I already had one on but I'm definitely going to wear it on monady so that bitch Layla can see what having a man does for a person. We then sat down and ate dessert before we left togather. " did you enjoy your night "asked the receptionist as we made our way out. " yes it was so good thank you for the great service "I said happily. Victor just smiled lovingly at me and I knew this is the man I wanted to call my boyfriend and hopefully one day my husband. "that's great and congratulations on your new relationship"said the receptionist. " l looked at her confused before she told me that Victor had informed them what they were decorating for.

"thank you "I said as I smiled at her. Victor and I then walked out togather while holding hands. "so do you want me to take you home or to your apartment ". I knew Victor was insinuating that his house was now my home and that made me blush really hard. "I want to go home " I said shyly.

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