Chapter 35

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Victors pov

After running a bath for Christopher and I we bathed and relaxed in a comfort silence just talking occasionally. I then carried Christopher out of the bathtub before drying him with a towel and wrapping him in a big warm towel before putting Him on the bathroom counter so we can do skin care. After doing our skin care routine we brushed our teeth and went to bed naked.

As we sat in bed cuddlinghy all I could think about was the confession Christopher made when we were having sex. Did he just say it because he was high of the pleasure I was giving him and he couldn't think straight or did he say it because he meant it. The fact that he hasn't brought it up makes things worse.

It was early morning around past 12 and we were having our pillow talk. It felt so intimate. It felt right doing this with Christopher. "And I want a big in door pool for winter but then I also want an outdoor pool for summer... Gosh this is so difficult "said Christopher as I kissed on his neck. Christopher was straddling me while I squeezed on his ass while I left hickey after hickey on his upper body.

"why don't you just get both " I asked as I bit on his neck. My dick was hard again and so was his. It was really looking like we gonna go for round 5." because it's gonna be expensive and I don't have that type of money "he said in a half moan half whine . "well if you marry me then you can have both because I can give you both ". He just blushed as he ran his hands through my hair pushing me further into his neck.

I stopped my actions making christopher stop his actions and look me in the eyes. "what's wrong why did you stop " he asked confused. "Christopher I love you too... I love you so much baby that imagining my life without you has gotten impossible " I said while gently holding his thin waist. This moment I'm having with Christopher is so intimate and if I'm not honest about how I feel about him right now I'll regret it forever.

"oh so you did hear me" he said with a blush on his cheeks while he bit his bottom lip. "yes I did and for a moment I thought you didn't mean it but this moment between you and I is so intimate that I would like to believe that you wouldn't be doing this with me right now if you didn't Atleast like me let alone love me " I said while I looked into his eyes.

"you right... I do ". "you do what baby I want to hear you say it in your rational state of mind ". "I do love you daddy I love you so much and I wanna be with you forever. I want to wake up with you by my side for a very long time or even forever "he said while smiling shyly.

Christopher and I kissed passionately for a while until things got steamy. My boner pressed on Christopher's ass while his pressed on my stomach. That's when christopher took the decision that he wanted to turn me into a car and ride me. He rode me good so always but this time was different because it was more intimate and passionate. We didn't even use a condom throughout the whole night so I could feel ever inch of his moist tight ass. Having sex with Christopher was out of this world but Making love to Christopher was just out of this universe it felt a million times better.

Christopher's pov

Last night was amazing. The dinner, the food, the sex, the intimacy, the raw emotions just the overall vibe was amazing. Victor really put alot of effort into yesterday and to thank him and show him my appreciation I made him feel good. Not that I'm using sex as payment because that's definitely not what it is I just use it as a way to show him I feel the same way about him and we on the same page. If anything last night Victor and I didn't have sex... We made LOVE.

I woke up around 10 in the morning to find that Victor had made me breakfast in bed. After eating we bathed togather. I then did some morning skin care using my beauty products while Victor shaved his face. I was always the lucky femboy that didn't grow facial hair. However I did grow pubic hair which I got laser removed because I was to lazy to shave every week.

"you didn't go to the gym today" I said as I wore some beige pants and a hoodie because Victor told me he had a surprise for me and I should just dress comfortably. "yeah well I was gonna work out then I remembered that I got alot of exercise from late last nights to early morning today so I didn't really need to go to the gym " he said teasingly. "stop teasing me " I said as I hit his chest with my lips pouted while my cheeks glowed bright red. Victor just laughed before asking me if I'm ready to leave.

"just a second I'm trying to cover these up "I said as I put my hoodie at an angle so it hid my hickies. "does this look weird " I asked. Victor straight up laughed in my face before taking off the white hoodie he was wearing and handing it to me. "it doesn't matter what hoodie you wear baby where we going everyone is gonna see these and know you have an owner and that owner is me " he said making more hickeys on my neck.

"agggg Vicky stop " I whined as I covered my neck. Today I didn't have my make up here with me so I couldn't use any foundation and concelar to cover them up so I just wore Victors hoodie and hoped for the best. "are you ready "he asked. "yeah I'm ready " I said grabbing my bag and making my way to one of Victors many cars.

After driving for about 25 minutes we stopped by a garage because I wanted some pain relief tablets and a snack because food heals my pains . My back was on fire along with my muscles and ass. "baby I'm so sorry I really thought I was being gentle last night " said Victor looking guilty. "it's okay it's not your fault it's just we haven't had sex in a week so I forgot what post sex pain is like after getting used by you " I said teasingly. "used baby I can guarantee you wanted this just as much as I did if not more ". I just laughed before we drove of again.

We then arrived to our initial destination. Victor parked the car before opening the car door for me. We then walked hand in hand to the entrance of the building." baby I brought you to a spa "said Victor as we arrived at the entrance."omg yes "I said as I looked around excitedly before giving Victor a tight hug. "thank you daddy it's like you just knew I'd be in pain after last night "I mumble against his chest. " it's a pleasure princess and stop acting like I didn't tell you I will ruin you "he said while kissing my cheeks and smiling teasingly . He then checked me in for the full experience then left after telling me to call him when I'm almost done.

" so what do you do for a living "asked the massage therapist as she lead me to the room. . "I'm an interior designer why "I asked confused. " ohhh it's just you and your lover look rich so I wanted to find out who exactly makes the money in the relationship... I was just wondering honestly I didn't mean it in a bad way... Gosh why am I so curious "she said getting kind of nervous. "it's okay curious George ... I make good money but my lover actually makes more money than I do... He probably makes 20 times more money than me monthly and don't worry I completely understand I'd also be curious "I said while giggling. I didn't mind her question I mean Victor did make more money than me it wasn't a secret and I wasn't gonna hide the fact that he's basically my young sugar daddy.

" thanks for understanding... Your lover likes it rough huh "she asked as she prepared the oils. I choked on my spit as I attempted to hide my hickies by rubbing on my neck."yeah we both do "I said shyly. "that's great.. you guys really make me jealous I mean from that day when he came to book this for you he spoke so highly of you and he wanted nothing but the best for you. The way he treats you with so much respect and gentleness is so cute plus you honestly so beautiful. You literally living my dream babes "she said as she laid out a few towels. "thanks"I said blushing. I can't believe someone is jealous of me they want MY life wow. Being with Victor honestly is the best decision I have ever made.

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