Chapter 11

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Victor's pov

After his awkward drive to Christopher's apartment Victor went to his house to rest. After eating and taking a shower he decided to call Christopher to see if he was okay because of how he was acting since they had lunch.

He picked up his phone and dialed the boy's number. "hello ". Victor heard a soft coarse voice answer the phone. "hi it's Victor... I just wanted to let you know that I'm home ". "ohh thanks for informing me... ". Christopher sounded different. His voice was soft and coarse. He also sniffled every once in a while which meant he could have been -. "Chris are you crying " asked Victor worriedly. "no " responded christopher. Victor knew he was lying so he did something he didn't want to do... He became dominant. "Chris don't lie to me "he said in his deep stern Dom voice . "okay fine I-I Was crying but I'm better now s-so yeah". "why were you crying baby". "I was just kind of overwhelmed with everything that has been going on but like I said I'm better now ". "okay that's great have you bathed and eaten yet ". "I've bathed and I'm about to eat. I'm just waiting for my food to finish cooking ". "okay baby good night then ". "good night Vicky " Christopher said softly before hanging up.

Victor was tired so he got into bed and got ready to sleep. While he dozed of the last person on his mind was Christopher.

Christopher's pov

When Victor called him out on crying and lying about it Christopher felt ashamed and felt the need to be honest with Victor. He didn't want to lie to him and disappoint him. After hanging up he ate and then went to bed. His thoughts clouded by the handsome man who he had started liking.


It was morning and Christopher woke up to a good morning text from Victor.

THE TEXT :Good morning Chris, I hope you slept well. I hope you have a great day and you enjoy your day just as much as I enjoy thinking about you.

Christopher was blushing. He has been getting alot of these since he met Victor. In his 23 years of life he had never recived a good morning text until he met Victor . It made him all giddy and butterflies started forming in his stomach. He then got ready for the day with a huge smile on his face. He was smiling so much his jaw hurt but that didn't stop him. After eating his breakfast and packing his lunch Christopher got into his car and drove off to work.

Christopher arrived to work with some new found energy and motivation. Lately he had been slacking of and that could cost him his job if he was not careful. He got into his office and started working.

Lunch time came and Christopher realized he had not seen his friend that day so he took his lunch and made his way to Evans office. "heyyy Evyyy" greeted Christopher with an excited tone. "someone's in a good mood today... Heyy Chrisyy how are you ". "I'm great and yes I am in a good mood". "I wonder why ". "maybe it's because of a good morning text which wished me a great day". "boy if you don't take that man seriously I'll literally steal him from you ". Christopher just laughed at Evans words as he sat down on one of his office chairs."have you told him." the mood in the office immediately changed. "NO". "why not.. You know this is going to affect your relationship with him if you don't tell him sooner ". "there is no relationship okay... I mean I like him alot and he treats me so good plus the sex is out of this world and I don't want that to change but I need time okay ". "you do realize one day he is going to want more right". "yeah and I'll be there to give it to him just not right now"Christopher said with his can we not talk about this right now tone . "anyways did you hear that Vanessa and Jack broke up " asked Evan. "no ways you lying " gasped Christopher in a shocked tone. Vanessa and Jackson had been togather ever since Christopher started working at that company. They were the power couple of the company so this shocked him. "what happened " asked Christopher curiously while still in shock. "well rumor has it Vanessa cheated on jack ". "that bitch. How could she cheat on such a great guy ". "I don't know but she really is a bitch ". Luch time went by with Christopher and Evan talking about random things. After lunch time Christopher went back to his office to finish designing the house he was assigned.

(I just realized I write Victor or Christophers pov then proceed to write in the third person so I'm gonna change that starting from now cause I'm to lazy to restart the whole book😂😭)

Victor's pov

I woke up early in the morning only to find that Devon still had not answered my text. He had arrived 5 weeks ago and has been staying in a hotel while we handled business . I quickly sent Christopher a good morning text before working out and getting ready for the day. Since Christopher and I met we have been going out for lunch and dinner and visiting each other often... Well I visit him often or I force him to visit me often . The only problem is I sometimes feel like the relationship is one sided. He tends to distance himself from me and I don't know why. One day we okay then the next he doesn't even respond to my texts or calls.

While I was eating breakfast my phone started ringing so I checked the caller Id to see that it was Devon . "hey man wats up "  I answered casually. "hey man where are you right now ". "I'm at home why ". "I'm on my way ". "okay... Is something wrong - " before I could even finish my sentence that dumbass hung up on me. I then sat there patiently waiting for him to arrive.

The door bell rang after a few minutes and I knew who it was so I quickly walked to the door and immediately after opening it Devon just pushed in hastily. "man something doesn't feel right I don't know what's going on but something is definitely going on " said Devon. He was panicking and he hardly did that so I began to worry. "Devon slow down and tell me what you are talking about." I was being followed after I left James club when I called you I wanted to make sure I don't go to the hotel because the person could kill me "."wait what... did the person follow you here? ". "no ummmmm I don't think so - "Devon was interrupted by the door bell ringing. Devon froze as I looked at the door in confusion." are you expecting someone asked Devon in a suspicious voice "." nope "I answered as I walked to open the door. I was surprised at the sight of the pretty boy at my door step.

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