Chapter 36

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Victors pov

After dropping Christopher of at the spa resort I decided to go see my father to ensure we still on good terms even after the whole Lucas thing. "father " I yelled as I walked into his house. My dad lived alone because after my mom passed away he didn't consider getting remarried. "I'm in the kitchen "he yelled back. I walked to the kitchen to find him cooking. "hey " I said as I walked to the chairs by the kitchen counter to take a seat. "hey vic how are you ". "I'm good how are you ". "I'm great to... Something seems different about you ". "I don't know what you talking about " I said awkwardly. My father just laughed before asking me what I came for.

"I came to apologize for shouting at you that day and you were right I was being selfish I mean Lucas was your son you basically raised him so him doing this must have affected you and I am so sorry that I didn't even consider your feelings "I said honestly . "I've always known I had raised you to be a good man one who isn't the proud to apologize when wrong. I forgive you and I understand your anger towards Lucas vic okay ".

"okay thanks ". "actually Lucas called "said my father as he avoided eye contact. "I told him not to call anyone of my family or I'll kill him so what the fuck is he doing calling you"I asked confused and angry. "Victor he's your brother I know what he did was pretty fucked up but please forgive him he didn't know what to do ". "I don't care dad can we not talk about this right now" .

After shutting down the Lucas topic my dad and I spoke about business related things. After he finished cooking we ate together while talking about random things. I got alot of texts from Christopher which were pictures. I replied to every single one of those pictures because I'm a good boyfriend. Christopher looked so cute in all those pictures and those hickies on his neck made for a huge contrast between his cute face and personality and his freaky sex life.

After eating my father and I watched soccer while occasionally having little discussions. My phone vibrated on the table after a few hours and I picked it up to see that my princess was calling. " hey princess "I greeted. "hi daddy can you come pick me up I'm almost done "he said in his cute voice. "okay my love I'm making my way to you I'll be there soon. Is there anything you want me to get you on the way there "I asked as I stood up. " no I'm good just you is fine ".I could basically imagine him blushing and it made me smile. " okay bye love see you in a few "." bye daddy ".

I then hung up then turned to my dad."father I'm leaving "I said picking up my car keys. " okay... When were you going to tell you you have a lover ". " well... I was gonna tell you on our wedding day so you don't call him a gold digger ". He just laughed before saying "well you should bring him by some time so I can tell you whether he's the one for you or not ". "I'll do so...okay bye father ". " bye vic "

I left my father's house then made my way to the spa. By the time I arrived Christopher  had just finished and was getting dressed. He then came out after a while. "hey baby "I said before I kissed him softly. "hey " he answered shyly from the kiss. "how was your massage "I asked while I walked us to the reception area. I was carrying Christopher's bag while he just held his phone because he was texting someone.

"it was awesome thank you so much for today daddy I really needed it" he said putting his phone away and holding my hand tightly. "it's my pleasure baby as long as you had a good time and you liked it then that's fine by me "I said smiling at him. After checking out and ensuring everything was paid for Christopher and I left.

It was now around 4 in the afternoon and Christopher and I were cuddling on the couch while watching some series he picked out. My phone then started vibrating in Christopher's lap because he had been using it a while ago.  He handed it to me. "hello "I answered. "hey man Oliver and I are in the area and we thinking of stopping by are you home" asked James. "yes we home you guys can stop by ". "okay I'll be there in a few ". After hanging up I informed Christopher that we going to receive some guests.

The was a knock on the door indicating that our two guests had arrived. I walked to open for them before leading them to where Christopher was. "omg is that the real house wife's of Atlanta... Gosh I haven't even had time to start the new season " said Oliver upon noticing what Christopher was watching. "Oliver manners " said James in his strict Dom voice. "sorry Jay I was just really excited "he said with a smile.

Christopher just sat there smiling awkwardly as he waited for me to introduce james and Oliver. After I introduced Christopher to James and Oliver James and I then went to my office to discuss some business.

Christopher's pov

"so how was your date with Victor " asked Oliver excitedly. "it was amazing and thank you so much for helping Victor plan it because it was so fun and special "I said smiling widely. "that's great and it was my pleasure... So when did you start watching this season are you far in "he asked while taking of his shoes and getting comfortable on the couch." I literally just started it today I'm on episode 2 so you can definitely catch up ".

After spending some time with Oliver I realized him and I would make good friends. Oliver and I were similar and we also had alot in common so we could relate alot to each other. We were 5 episodes into the season when I started feeling hungry. " aggg I'm getting hungry "I said rubbing on my tummy. " aggg same "said Oliver. We were sitting on the couch all cuddled up while wrapped in my favorite fluffy black blanket.

"lemme go ask Victor if we can order some take out okay "I said as I got up. " okay and while you do that I'll check the pantry for some snacks "he said getting up also . "okay". I then went  up the stairs and started walking in the direction of Victors office. When I arrived in front of of his door I noticed that the door was slightly opened and I could hear their hushed voices talking . I still knocked on the door before I heard a loud come in.

After I entered I saw Victor and James sitting on the couch in Victors office drinking some dark liquor. I have seen Victor drinking before and it's just such a sexy sight. "ahh my angel... come here " he said softly as he patted his lap. I walked to him with a blush spreading across my face. "what can I help you with princess " he asked as he wrapped his arm securely around my waist.

"umm daddy are we gonna cook today or are we going to order take out cause Oliver and I are hungry " I said blushing because James was watching us very closely with a glass of whiskey in he's hand. I can't even lie James and Victor were a pair of good looking sexy friends. "how about this love go have a snack then James and I are gonna come down then we all gonna make dinner togather okay " he suggested . "okay lemme go tell Oliver " I said. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before he let me go.

I could feel both his and James eyes on me as I walked away and it made me nervous. I then arrived downstairs then made my way to the kitchen to find Oliver preparing some snacks."what did they say "he asked while munching on a chip. "they said we should have a snack then we gonna make dinner togather "I said eating a chip ". Today is going great and I really hope it stays that way.

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