Chapter 9

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Victors pov

"ohh come on what do mean sugarless coffee tastes better than sweet coffee " Christopher said in an exaggerated voice faking disappointment. "black coffee has character on its own it doesn't need sugar or milk.... Plus sugar isn't good for you" said Victor matter of factly.

They were currently in Victors car on their way to Christopher apartment debating about which coffee tastes better. "sugar is good for you it gives you energy and it- " Christopher was about to rebuttal back when he cut himself off because he realized something. "Victor my bag and my phone I - I think I forgot them we have to go back please " Christopher said in a pleading voice. "but we so close to your apartment baby and besides if we turn back now you going to be late ". "I know but I can't drive to work cause my drivers license was in my bag and I can't even request an Uber since I don't have my phone ". " are your house heys in the bag to? ". "no we don't use keys we use pin codes ". "okay how about this I'll get you to your apartment then wait for you while you get ready so I can take you to work. After my meeting I'll bring your stuff to you ". "really you would do that ". "yes I would plus it partially my fault that you forgot your things ". After a few minutes they arrived at Christophers apartment complex. They then got out of the car with Victor opening the door for Christopher again. They took the elevator to the apartment . Christopher then typed his pin code and then they were in. "ummm okay so I will go get ready but feel free and make yourself at home " . Victor just chuckled at Christophers words and sat down on the couch.

Many many minutes later

Victor had really underestimated just how long it takes for a pretty boy like Christopher to get ready. He later got bored so he started exploring the apartment. Christophers apartment was the exact opposite of Victors house. It was bright and cool. With lots of natural light. It's was honestly beautiful just like him.

Christopher's pov

"I'm running late he's been waiting for over 30 minutes... I hope he doesn't get annoyed and start second guessing taking me to work agg I'm such a piece of work " Christopher just kept mumbling to himself as he applied some soft make up and did his hair. He then got dressed and 40 minutes later he was ready for work. He walked out of his room into the living room area where he saw Victor walking around and admiring the framed pictures that he had hung up on his walls. When he heard him approaching Victor turned around and stared at Christopher in awe. Christopher wore a black turtle neck with some straight cut black plant with heels and a brown coat he also added some jewelry . "you look absolutely stunning darling and you smell delightful " said Victor still in a dazz. "Thank you"said Christopher shyly. "... okay now let's get you to work ". They went back to Victors car where he opened the door for Christopher again. They then drove to Christophers work building while they talked about random things. 15 minutes later they had arrived. "thank you for bringing me to the work even though you did not have to ". "it's my pleasure baby. I'll be here to bring your stuff at 12 okay. I would do it sooner but I have a meeting ". "it's okay I understand ". "bye Christopher have a great day ". "bye Victor ". Christopher walked into work with the biggest blush on his face from Victor calling him by his full name. It might sound weird but the way he said "Christopher " was so arousing and sexy.

"morning bitch" said Evan when he saw Christopher show up to work an hour and a half late. "damn boy who got you blushing like that " teased Evan. "no one just leave me alone " said Christopher smiling widely. "okay.... Where were you last night I've been trying to call you but you didn't answer ". "don't worry I'll tell you all about it at lunch time ". Christopher then left his best friends office to get to his own office so he can start working.

Twelve o clock hit and Christopher was about to go for lunch because his dumb ass didn't pack any when his office phone rang. "hello " he responded annoyed. "hey there's someone down here for you ". "ohh I'm coming right now ". Christopher was smiling widely because he knew exactly who was waiting for him. When he got to the reception area he was met with the sight of Victor in a suit. Sitting on the couch with his legs slightly parted while he typed away on his phone looking all serious and mysterious . In that moment all Christopher wanted to do was kneel in between those strong thighs and suck that big cock. He quickly diverted his thoughts and started walking toward Victor. When he was behind him he slowly bent down and whispered in Victors ear. "afternoon ". Victor turned around and smiled at him. "afternoon baby. I brought you your stuff ". "thank you so much I was literally falling apart with out my phone ". Victor chuckled at Christophers statement. "I also wanted to take you to lunch seeing as you did not have time to pack any this morning ". "I would love that actually... Lemme go put this bag away real quick cause it doesn't match my outfit ". Victor chuckled for the 100th time that day cause Christopher was just way to amusing. After Christopher returned they walked to Victors car that Christopher had picked out that morning. They got into the car and drove off." sooooo... Where we going "."it's a surprise ". "do you take all your one night stands out to lunch ". "well only the ones who forget their bags and phones in my house ". "come on I'm being serious " whined Christopher. "look okay I thought we had already established that this isn't a one time thing I mean you did promise to ride me " said Victor in a teasing tone. They went out to have lunch at a nice restaurant. The restaurant and the food was great but Christopher was overwhelmed and over thinking so he didn't really interact much with Victor. After lunch Victor dropped Christopher off at work with the promise to pick him up after. Christopher walked into the building and straight into his friends office. "where were you during lunch Chris " asked Evan curiously. "I went out with the guy who fucked me into oblivion last night ". "boy spill the tea ". Christopher sat down on one of the chairs in front of Evans desk and got ready to tell his tale . "so last night after I left you with that freak you were dancing with I went to pay for our drinks. Just to find out the creep who wanted to buy us drink had already payed for them then I went to see him about the issue and before I knew it one thing lead to another." ."so then the lunch? ". "well I forgot my stuff at his place in the morning so he had to bring me to work then when he brought my stuff he took me out to lunch because he saw that I didn't have time to pack any ". "ohh he sounds like a catch... So why you sulking ". "because I feel like we moving to fast I mean I know where he lives, he knows where I live and he even knows where I work ". "there's nothing wrong with that if you were comfortable enough to take him to your apartment he can't be bad right? ". "that's the thing he's to perfect like everything he says and does is perfect. I just don't think I deserve him also I'm scared he might turn out to be like.-". "okay shut the fuck up cause you talking trash. You do deserve him if he's perfect. You deserve nice things to and don't even think about comparing him to that abusive, psychopathic jerk

". "REALLY". "yes really.... Now tell me how was the sex ". Christopher blushed hard at the question "it was good ". "just good? ". "okay it was great like better then great... Gosh the way that big dick fucked my face and ass... The way his strong arms held me... The way he fucked me like an animal... It was all just so mind blowing.... H-He even ate me out on his kitchen counter this morning "."you've got to be kidding me... Omg seems like you had a better night than me ". "nah.. Any ways how was your nig-" Christopher was cut of by the door begin pushed open violently. "you two never work you just sit around and gossip all day " said their boss angrily. "get back to work! "

 "get back to work! "

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Christophers apartment

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Christophers apartment

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