Chapter 16

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Victor's pov

After Christopher left I was bored and lonely. I can't belive I used to live like this everyday. Christopher and I have been together for 5 weeks now but we not TOGATHER TOGETHER. At this point we are just fuck buddies who happen to like one another I guess. I've been thinking of asking Christopher to officially be my boyfriend.

After finishing my work I had some flowers delivered to Christopher at work cause he mentioned something about liking flowers and how their bright colours made his day better. I then stopped by James's office. "hey man " I said as I walk in. "if it isn't lover boy ".I chuckled in response. "how was your weekend out with Oliver " I asked curiously. "it was great. I had so much fun ". "I can only imagine just how much fun you had " I said while wiggling my eyebrows. "Victor how many times should I tell you Oliver and I stay togather. I can literally fuck him whenever I want ". "but still the change of scenery probably made it bett-" before I could finish my sentence the was a soft knock on the door then the person just entered without hearing a come in. James was about to flip until he saw who it was. "hey baby " James said softly. "hi  ". Oliver said shyly. Oliver has been James's boyfriend and submissive for 2 years now. They met in James club and have been togather ever since.

James patted his lap and Oliver softly sat before turning to me. "hi Victor "he greeted  softly. "hey Oliver ". Oliver was cute and beautiful. Very similar to Christopher actually but their personalities differed. Christopher was more out going, loud and rebellious with a slight gentle side while Oliver was resevered and extremely submissive. It's safe to say Christopher was more my type... I like them naughty, loud and rebellious..

"I just brought you your lunch James you forgot it at home ". "thank you so much beautiful I would have starved to death ". "stop being dramatic... I'm going to leave now I have to get back to work "said Oliver while giggling cutely . "okay bye baby I love you". "bye I love you too " Oliver said before they shared a gentle quick kiss. Oliver then waved at me and then left.

Its been 2 years and I still can't get used to how gentle James is with Oliver. James is naturally a mean, aggressive and hard headed person so seeing how he treats Oliver with gentleness and love always shocks me. "I want to marry him" James said out of the blue. "you want to marry Oliver " I asked dumbfounded. "yes... I was thinking of proposing to him somewhere this mouth when we go on the surprise vacation I'm planning for him ". He stood up then took the painting off his wall to reveal his safe. He opened it and inside was a gun, stakes and stakes of cash and a small velvet box. He took the box out and showed me the ring inside.

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"no fucking way James "

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"no fucking way James ". James just laughed at my shock. " I'm proud of you man congratulations" I said standing up and giving him a bro hug. "thanks man... Now I just have to give it to him and pray he says yes ". "ohh he will definitely say yes with a ring like that ". After putting the ring and the painting back James sat back down and asked me a question I've been avoiding.

"so how are things going with Christopher " he asked. "it's chris" I said in a tone childishly mocking Christopher. Victor laughed in response. "no seriously man how are things going " he asked catching his breath. "they going fine I guess... I asked him to be my sub he said he's going to think about it ". "think about it? ". "yeah I don't want to rush him man his last Dom messed him up big time ". "ohh shit what happened". "he used to beat him up,the sex was a one person pleasure thing and he even sent his friends to beat up Christopher and molest him just because he thought he was cheating ". "wait what! " said James shocked. "yeah man he didn't leave the house for weeks on end... He still thinks about it and it hurts him even though the guys are in jail... I honestly wish I could take his pain away"."you can man just don't hurt him,show him love and be gentle with him... You remember how Oliver was when I first met him ". "yeah man he was broken ". "look at him now... These things take time so don't rush him just let it happen naturally ". "thanks man I really needed that ".

Christopher's pov

After I got home last night I bathed and slept. I was so tired and my body was still a bit sore but I can't even lie Victors massage helped me alot. I applied the cream Victor gave me to my bruises that came as a result of Victor choosing to be rough. But I'm honestly not complaining because the sex was amazing .

I woke up in the morning feeling good. I then checked my messages to see my expected good morning text from Victor.

THE TEXT :good morning my angel I hope you had a lovely evening. I wish you a productive and happy day filled with smiles of happiness and most importantly thoughts of me.❤️❤️😘

I blushed as I got up smiling. I bathed did my morning hygiene routine and then ate and packed my lunch. I then got dressed in a yellow blouse and some white wide leg office pants with my yellow heels and some jewelry. I packed my white bag with all my essentials. Before I left I took a mirror picture of my outfit and sent it to Victor just for fun. I then left for work.

After signing into work I stopped by Evans office. "hey Evan ". "hey Chris how are you ". "I'm happy you ". "I'm happy to... Omg I have alot to tell you ". "me too ". "okay you first chrissy ". "okay so you know what you told be about being honest with him about what happened ". "yesssssss... ". "well I did it... It didn't come out the way I was hoping it would but it's out and you were right... He's very sensitive and empathetic towards what happened to me and that all I really wanted ". "see I told you ". "he also figured out that I'm a submissive and I also found out he's a Dom cause he has a freaken play room in his house filled with all of my favorite stuff ". "omg really " . "yeah and he asked me to be his sub he even said we could get a short term contract if I'm not yet comfortable ". "and what did you say ". "I said I will think about it ". "Chris what's there to think about I mean he obviously likes you and you clearly like him too". "I'm scared okay I know he won't hurt me but I'm scared ". "don't be okay plus if you feel like you don't like him as a Dom you can just leave... You can't spend your entire life comparing every guy you meet to that horrible bustard ". " okay... What did you want to tell me".

"well on Friday when you went to see your mans I went out to the club and I met this extremely handsome man omg Christopher he looked like a fucken god. He then asked me to dance and obviously I said yes fast forward to when I was about to leave the club he asked if we could go home togather and I obviously said yes and omg I've never had sex that good In my life ". I laughed as Evan told me about his weeked." after we woke up the next morning he didn't chase me out he literally made me breakfast and ensured I was comfortable at his place he also called me to make sure I got home safe can you believe it "."he sounds like a keeper ". "yeah Devon is definitely a keeper ". "Devon? ". "yeah Devon ". "describe him to me ". "he's tall with a really short beard with black Hair-". "don't you even finish that sentence because I know exactly who you talking about ". "do you know him... Has he tried to hit on you before... ". "NO " I said laughing "he's Victors friend". "really ". "yes really ". I said happy for my friend. Victor is a great guy and if you are friends with him I would like to assume you are a great guy to. "let me go work " I said before leaving Evans office.

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