Chapter 24

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Victors pov

It was four in the afternoon on a Saturday and I wanted nothing more than to just go home to the angel I left there . I promised Christopher I would be back soon when I left him in my house this morning at eight but now it's hours passed that and he keeps calling and texting me. I barely even get time to respond to him calls or messages. I'M JUST A MESS.

The past few days have been hectic for me. So hectic I don't even have time for my own submissive. It's been meeting after meeting, while I'm helping Rayn with the whole new company branch thing as I'm basically a co owner /silent partner. We've also been under pressure to find the mole cause with every passing day new information is leaked to our enemies and it's just bad for us. Meanwhile one of our accountants embasiled some of our funds for the shipping company that I own shares at meaning I also have to be hands on there. Mind you I still have to perform my daily tasks as a ceo, partner, shareholder and member of all these different companies.

This has all been happening since the last 3 days and I'm so stressed. I know it's comes with the job but I honestly think I'll pass out if I don't leave this meeting so I did it... I left the meeting. If I had spent a second longer there I would kill myself. "sir you can't just keep walking out of meetings like that" said Jina my assistant as she caught up with me. "Jina I have a personal life okay I also need to be at home doing what other people do on Saturday, But instead I'm here in this meeting that was supposed to be 2 weeks ago but because these people don't know time management they slacked off and couldn't present it on time. Now I have to be here on a Saturday I'm sorry Jina I can't do it. Do you know that I've been to seven meetings alone today. Mind you I still got two more which I expect you to cancel and postpone cause I'm not going ... I'm going home  to my lover and it's not up for negotiation" I said sternly.

I didn't want my employees thinking they would get away with this forever if anything I should start firing people." I understand sir... I'll go ahead and postpone your meetings. Bye sir ". I just nodded at her before leaving.

I got into my car and drove home. When I arrived it's was past five in the evening and the lights were on in and outside the house. Meaning my baby was still home. I walked in to the house and quickly walked upstairs to change into sweat pants and a shirt since it was kind of chilly . I then came back down and went into the living room area to see my baby wrapped in a blanket while watching TV.

"I thought I heard you enter but I was to lazy to go check " he said while giggling. "I'm so glad you still here baby". I said as I walked up to the couch and hugged him tightly . I sat next to him before he extended his blanket to me. I took it then he asked me a question that would be normal on any other day but today it broke me. "Vicky are you okay ". I looked at him quietly still deciding whether to tell him or not. I then ran my hands down my face at an attempt to hide that I had began crying. But he noticed especially after I sniffled.

He immediately got close to me and hugged Me. I felt so safe in Christopher's arms so I just kept crying. I let out all my pant up anger and stress . I've never done this with any of my submissives usually I'd just have sex with them to get rid of the stress but today I just cried.

"it's okay baby everything is okay... You home now and you safe and loved" he said softly. He kept whispering sweet nothings to me as I continued crying. I didn't bother stopping myself and I'm glad he didn't tell me to "not cry " because I really needed this. I cried for a while before I started calming down.

I wasn't a messy crier so I didn't have snot or anything like that I'm also a silent crier so all he could hear were sniffles and hiccups here and there. "baby what happened" he asked while hugging me. I then placed my head on his lap which was covered with a black fluffy blanket. I laid there and told him just how stressed I was. I told him everything that was stressing me in detail but I left out the whole mole thing completely.

"ohhh babyyyy" he said as he I finished telling him my problems. He was rubbing my scalp the entire time which comforted me."I know it comes with the job but this week was just to much for me. " I know baby it happens to the best of us... I mean having a burn out is natural okay there's absolutely nothing wrong with it you just have to rest and distress then you will feel better "he said in a soft voice . "it's just this has never happened to me before... I've been under worse pressure but I've never even once felt so stressed or defeated "." well maybe all that pant up stress that you ignored back then finally decided to revile itself and there's nothing wrong with that... Ohh I know something that's going to make you feel better".

"I'm listening" I said softly. "well lemme go prepare it so you can see it". I then got of his lap. He quickly ran upstairs and came back a few minutes later. "let's go" he said with a huge smile. He lead me upstairs to our room where he took me to the bathroom. He had prepared a bath for me and I was honestly so touched.

"baby you did this for me" I asked while hugging him. He had prepared a bath with oils and bath bombs in it with some bubbles  also. He had also dimmed the lights and switched on all the scented candles in the bathroom. "yes baby it's for you". "thank you love". "it's okay I know you would have done the same for me" he said before lightly pecking my lips. "now let's get you relaxed".
We got naked and got into the bathtub where we cuddled each other and and kissed innocently.

After our bath Christopher gave me a massage using some massage oils that I had in the house . The massage was so good. I felt so relax and at peace during the massage. After the massage I sat in bed before Christopher brought us dinner in bed. We ate togather while we occasionally watch the movie that was playing,but we were just mostly having small talk. After dinner he brought me dessert. "I baked this in the afternoon while you were away cause I was bored" he said while smiling softly. I took the slice of cake and ate it.

Christopher also had his own slice so we ate togather. "baby this is amazing". Christopher's chocolate cake tasted like something I would buy and pay an arm and a leg for in a bakery. It was so moist and soft and it was just over all tasty. "thanks I wanted to try this new recipe I saw on YouTube". "well I love it baby... You should definitely bake more often". He giggled before promising he would.

We then went to the bathroom and brushed our teeth before Christopher made me do skin care with him. It felt really nice but I also felt like a girly girl so it was amusing. We then switched off the light and went to bed around 11 in the evening. I was so exhausted yet so relieved and peaceful at the same time .

What Christopher did for me today I have never experienced. He pampered me and made me feel loved. I usually do this for my submissives and lovers but I never really knew what it felt like because no one has ever done it for me . Christopher did all this and my dumb ass hasn't even taken him on a date. The last thing on my mind before I drifted of was I had to take Christopher on a date and I had to ask him to officially be my lover.

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