Resident Obstruction

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#Alana #Landon

Carly overheard, and her jaw dropped.

"Oh." Alana swallowed hard. "Um, let me get the hall director," she indicated, trying not to reveal the confusion in her voice. "Why don't you all have a seat over there?" She pointed near a wall where a number of elegant cherry wood chairs sat. Alana looked over at Carly and said, "Can you take care of...?" She pointed to the forms and the next group in line.

"No problem," said Carly, then lowered her voice to a whisper. "How is this girl still alive? Well, she does look really frail. I hope she isn't dying or something, that would be a total bummer."

Alana's eyes widened, wishing Carly hadn't actually voiced that aloud. But Carly nodded like she had offered important information.

Stepping away from the check-in table, Alana walked toward Landon who was speaking with Kessa and Sage at the front desk.

Out of his peripheral, Landon noticed Alana before she approached him. She easily captivated his attention. On the other hand, Kessa and Sage were too busy answering calls to notice this. Landon turned to face her.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" asked Alana, smiling nervously.

"Sure, let's go in my office," said Landon, leading the way. Alana followed.

Entering Landon's office, Alana, as usual, looked around the room. There was quite the impressive display of degrees, plaques and honors on the walls. Then there were several framed pictures above the bookshelf. She always tried to see if she could identify someone who looked like they could be Landon's girlfriend. It was impossible for Alana to figure out. The only pictures that Landon was in were the staff pictures.

"I'm sorry to bother you," stated Alana, but before she could finish, Landon interjected.

"Don't apologize. That's what I'm here for... to help you. And Alana, nothing about you is a bother," clarified Landon, looking deeply into her eyes.

Alana's body reacted physically to Landon's comment. Suddenly a bouquet of butterflies entered her stomach and her knees felt unstable. Focus Alana... focus... okay... why did I need to talk to him? she thought. Alana took a deep breath.

"Um, there's a parent who wants to talk with you. Her daughter has severe allergies and she wants there to be a specific protocol in case her daughter has a reaction."

"Well, that could be an issue. If you don't mind, could you send them to my office?"


"Is there anything else?"

"No, that's it for now."

"Just let me know... it's really no problem at all," assured Landon.

Alana left Landon's office and found Sharon and Jane sitting on one of the couches in the lobby. Jane was texting and her mother was looking through the Residence Hall Rule Book.

Alana walked up to Sharon and cleared her throat. "Excuse me... my supervisor would like to talk with you in his office," said Alana. "His office is right there." She lifted her arm, pointing to the door toward the front of the lobby.

Sharon and Jane walked over to Landon's office together. Jane was dragging as if she were pulling a ball and chain. It was obvious she'd rather be moving into her room instead of meeting with the director.

Alana went back to the check-in table to assist Carly; the lines were starting to get longer with anxious freshmen.

Landon opened the door before Sharon could knock on it, greeting them with a welcoming smile.

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