Finally-A Time to Chill

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#Landon #Alana

Saturday afternoon was the day of the staff's Thanksgiving party at Lizzie's house. Landon slammed his car door, doing a quick search around the lot for cars. His sister's van was nowhere to be found, but he could see someone moving around in the kitchen.

As soon as he got to the front door he smelled a wonderful aroma in the air. It was a combination of vanilla, cinnamon, molasses, sweet cake and nutmeg. His mouth began to water. At first he assumed it was his sister in the kitchen baking, but he hadn't seen her car out front. Taking in a deep breath of the sweet smelling goodness, Landon followed the scent. When he arrived in the oversized kitchen he saw Alana, her back turned to him, her long chestnut hair pulled back into a low ponytail.

Surprised, Landon grinned. "Whatever you're making, it smells amazing," he stated, moving closer to Alana to get a peek at what she had baked.

Alana turned around, holding up a gigantic spoon covered in thick batter. "Landon, I didn't hear you come in... you're early!" she said, then continued stirring chocolate over the stove. She placed the bowl on a mat that lay on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

Landon licked his lips as he took inventory of the other desserts resting on the island. "Wow... this is quite the layout you have here. What all did you make?"

"Yes, I got a little carried away, I know. It's just that the kitchen reminds me of being at home and preparing food for a big family," explained Alana, catching his sea blue eyes watching her. "I made peach pie, pecan pie, carrot cake, autumn nut cheesecake and gingerbread cookies..." she said, pointing to each dessert as she introduced it.

Landon looked at the pot that Alana had removed from the stove. "And the chocolate?"

"Oh, well, it's a chocolate sauce to drizzle over the cheesecake and the carrot cake. Chocolate makes everything taste better, wouldn't you agree?"

"I won't argue with that."

As Landon drooled over the desserts, Alana thought she would feed his craving.

Taking a spoon from the drawer, she dipped it into the chocolate sauce. She blew on it to cool it down and walked up to Landon. "Here... why don't you try some?" she said with a small smile, lifting the spoon up to his mouth.

That was all the invitation he needed. His eyes were steady on Alana as she put the spoon of warm chocolate in his mouth. He let the flavors of the smooth sauce settle on his tongue before swallowing.

"That's additive. What kind of chocolate is that? Or should I ask, what did you add to make it taste so rich?" expressed Landon.

Alana shook her head, waving her finger back and forth. "Can't tell you, it's a family secret!" she laughed. "Landon, go relax, I don't want you to be tempted. You have to wait for everyone else to get here before you start eating. I don't want to serve desserts with little slices missing."

Landon chuckled under his breath. He was tempted, yes, but not so much by the desserts. He knew he could have them. It was Alana he wanted. Getting her would be complicated, if not impossible... and so inappropriate. He felt ashamed thinking about her most days.

The oven beeped and she turned around to grab a casserole from the oven, sitting it on the stove. Turning back around she looked at Landon's face. Something was different.

"Landon," she accused, tucking a few hair strands behind her ear. He had a huge glob of chocolate sauce hanging from the corner of his mouth.

His mouth shut tight, trying to conceal the evidence, he shook his head.

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