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When Alana returned to the lobby, she saw Kelsey there. Her shoulders were hunched over and she dragged her feet as she headed up the stairs. Alana always felt cold looking at Kelsey, remembering the night she'd been raped. Several weeks had passed, but being around Kelsey made her feel trapped in a time warp. The rape seemed to be the only thing Kelsey talked about any more.

"Kelsey, wait up. How are you?" Alana asked, walking behind Kelsey.

"Okay... do you have a minute to talk?" Kelsey asked, reaching into her purse and pulling out a paper.

"Sure, we can go to my room."

Once they got to Alana's room, Kelsey sat on Alana's bed and stared out the window. She watched as the colorful leaves blew lightly on their limbs. Alana looked out the window as well, taking in the sight before breaking the silence.

"Do you want something to drink? I can make you some tea," asked Alana.

Kelsey nodded. "Yeah, that'd be nice," she answered quietly, twiddling her fingers.

Alana started to heat up some water in the microwave. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"I wasn't raped. I lied."

"Huh?" Alana almost dropped her mug. She didn't know what to say or how to feel. "You made it all up? I... I don't understand."

"Yep, I was pissed. I slept with a guy and he stopped talking to me." She turned and looked at Alana directly. "That night, when you came by my room... I don't know, I was so embarrassed...saying that he raped me felt like the right thing to do so I didn't look like a complete idiot." Kelsey closed her eyes, shaking her head.

"Does anyone know? Did you tell the cops?" Alana sat down beside Kelsey. For this entire time Alana had avoided the guy Kelsey accused of rape. Now Alana just felt betrayed by the truth, shocked that Kelsey could so easily lie about being raped.

Kelsey didn't break eye contact with Alana. "Yeah, he and I both went together. Today, actually." She ran her hand along the bed. "He didn't press charges. But I know people are going to talk about me—they've already started. I'm going get expelled for breaking the honor code, I know it." Kelsey glanced out of the window again like she didn't care.

Alana's cell phone rang before she could reply. "Can you hold on a minute?" she said, then spoke into her phone. "Hi, Carly."

"About duty tomorrow... I might be a little late. Patrick and I are going to dinner off campus since he's all done with that fraternity stuff. Can you cover for me?"

"Sure, that's fine. I have to go. I'm with a friend."


Carly got off the phone with Alana, excited and looking forward to spending some quality time with Patrick. She embraced her new confidence in their relationship, endeared by the little things that used to annoy her about him, like when he'd chew with his mouth open or use her toothbrush.

Sitting in her room, Carly looked at the pile of clothes lying on her floor, examining them as if she was going to be quizzed on them: a pair of jeans, a cream-colored sweater and her blue staff shirt. She had been wearing her staff shirt when Ethan turned into the green monster. It had been a few days since the tragic end of their affair, but the memory was fresh as a blooming rose in her mind.

Trying to escape the haunting memory, she decided to check her email. Scrolling through the inbox she came across a few emails about the health and safety inspection violations and one roommate request. Then she saw an email from Landon, and she opened it. Carly groaned. Landon had approved her and Ethan's program. She'd almost forgotten that her next two programs were with him. This was all pre-fight planning. She wondered if she could switch teams, unable to fathom working with him ever again.

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