Panic Room

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"What... what is it?" asked Owen, his eyes fixed on the short brunette girl standing in the hallway. Her face was flushed, tears spread across her cheeks.

"My friend, she's one of your residents, I think she is ODing..." blurted the girl.

Without even asking the resident's name, Owen grabbed his room key and cell phone. He put on his doctor show face, preparing himself mentally for the worst.

"Where is she?" Owen asked as he followed the girl down the hall to the elevator

"It's Mandy, she's in Chris's room downstairs," said the girl hurriedly as she moved quickly down the hall, almost running.

"Amanda?" The girl nodded. "Do you know what happened? What kind of drugs they were?" asked Owen, his breath becoming heavy as he tried to keep up with the petite girl.

"I'm not sure."

As they reached the room, the girl quickly opened the door. Standing in the middle of the floor were two guys, one dressed in jeans and a blue t-shirt, the other in gym shorts and a tank top. The second boy's eyes were glossed over, and he appeared to be disoriented. Owen scanned the suite, and on one of the twin beds lay Amanda, convulsing and foaming at the mouth. Owen's eyes grew large like saucers as an eerie feeling traveled through his body. He felt like he'd been sucked into a scene from The Exorcist.

"Okay, what's your name?" Owen said to the guy in the jeans.

"Cameron," he blurted, looking like the definition of panic.

"Cameron, I need you to call campus police, they'll alert the rescue squad," directed Owen, who knew that no amount of RA training could solve this problem—he needed help. Owen pulled out his cell phone as Cameron called the campus police.

"Shandi, I know it's late. But we have a situation. Can you meet me at room 126?" Owen said so quickly that Shandi could only catch the word situation.

"Huh...?" said Shandi slowly, still waking up.

"Meet me in room 126, call the HD on call on your way. We have a possible drug overdose," said Owen with an urgent edge.

"Oh... okay, I'll be there in minute," said Shandi, unable to conceal the shock and confusion in her voice.

Pressing the end button on his cell phone, Owen turned to Cameron and the other young guy who was still standing in the common room. Then he glanced at the distraught girl sitting on the bed beside her friend Amanda, who was turned on her side, vomiting on the twin bed.

Owen's face turned ghostly pale as the pungent puke smell reached his nose. "Hopefully the rescue squad will be here shortly. Do either of you know what happened? Was it drugs, and if so, what kind?" he asked, feeling anxious.

"Yes, she bought shrooms from this guy that lives here, she took them and 30 minutes later she was like this... dude, I think they were laced," voiced Cameron, who was running his hands through his hair and clutching it nervously. "Oh, my god... I can't believe this is happening," he added, frantic and visibly losing control.

Owen turned to the girl who sat on the bed with Amanda. "Make sure you hold her head to the side so she doesn't choke," Owen informed her, and she complied reluctantly.

"Owen!" Shandi called as she rushed into the room. Her eyes held the same look of terror shared by everyone there.

"Shandi," breathed Owen in relief. The last thing he wanted to do was handle this situation alone. Shandi's presence eased his nerves. "Did you call the pro-staff?"

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