This Way the Wind Blows

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#Landon #Alana

Alana walked into the office. "How's it going?" Landon asked. She looked at him bashfully as he offered her a seat. "Yeah, not quite what the forecasters predicted, right, but everything's fine. How are you?" he continued.

"Good. I'm surprised my residents are up this early when classes are cancelled. They're kind of having a slumber party, if that's possible to do during the day." Alana felt stupid, wishing she could have responded cleverly and importantly like the leading ladies in the old movies she loved.

Landon laughed. "Yeah, I think a lot of people are enjoying the day off. Most of my colleagues are at home, probably watching reruns of 24," he smiled. Then his face turned somber as he rubbed his hands together thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. So, what brings you by? The meeting isn't for another 30 minutes," he said, not wanting to worry her.

Alana wanted him to confide in her, but that didn't happen. She looked away as she replied, "Oh, I just thought I would come down to see if you needed help with anything beforehand. I know you're on duty this week. With the weather being..." She trailed off and glanced out the window, her eyebrows lifting. The winds were still increasing, making the trees lean closer to the ground. "I figured everyone on campus would be calling you at some point."

A defeated smile came across Landon's face, making Alana's heart jerk.

"Actually, I could use your help. You sure you wouldn't mind?" asked Landon, almost apologetic. He couldn't believe Alana's keen intuition. Before she came in he'd been responding to several issues that had popped up all over campus, from leaks to fire alarms. In fact, he felt overwhelmed with responsibility and had very little help. Maintenance and ground staff, understandably, didn't come in today.

Alana looked at Landon just right, her expression verging on flirty. "Landon, I'm here. Now please, what can I help you with?"

Landon leaned closer, looking serious as he thought about other ways she could help him. He breathed in slowly, letting it out along with the thoughts he shouldn't be having. "Okay, Jody just sent this document to me. I had her type it up this morning. It would help me tremendously if you could make copies and sort them in piles. Each RA should have 20 of these documents," instructed Landon as he stood up from his chair. "Let me show you how to use the copy machine. It's a new model."

Landon stood by the copier while Alana stepped closer, observing. As he explained how to work the copy machine, a faint sweetness entered his nose. He moved closer to Alana, not really thinking about his motives. Being close to her felt right.

"What kind of perfume are you wearing?" Landon asked, trying to be nonchalant.

Alana was still looking at the copier, studying it like a test about its functions could be given at any minute. "I don't wear perfume. You're probably smelling lotion or shampoo..." she explained, hoping it wasn't cleaner. Bleach was the worst; it lingered for days. "Do you want any of these stapled?"

Landon nodded, then reached over to open one of the filing cabinets.

Alana peeked through her curtain of dark hair. "Can I ask you a question?" Her voice held a bit of caution.

"Shoot," Landon encouraged, pulling out a sheet from his folder.

"A few weeks ago when I ran into you at Sebastian's..." She paused. "Were you avoiding me?" The words came out plainly, like she was ordering a pizza.

Landon knew exactly what Alana was referring to. Of course I'm avoiding you, Alana. I love you, but I can't give inhe thought. He'd been feeling so crazy that week about being in love with Alana that he couldn't be around her. He especially couldn't be around her alone, he'd end up spilling his feelings like a jar of jelly beans. It would get messy and he'd be fired. But he mostly feared that Alana would think he was a creepo.

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