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After a short break from check-in, Sage took out his laptop and studied the screen with an intense look on his face. Carly leaned over to see what he was so focused on. Her lips twisted; it appeared to be a number of mug shots, except they looked like students.

"What's that?"

"I have created profiles on all of my residents, and a few others too. I was a Police Aide last year, and you gotta remember we are working with 'potential suspects,'" reminded Sage, still looking at his computer screen as he typed diligently.

Carly's eyes widened with a slight look of disbelief and amusement. "What... why?" She knew Sage took the RA job seriously, but she thought this was a little over the top.

Sage paused, looking at Carly with his mysterious, black-brown eyes. "I want to know who I'm dealing with this year and what I can expect... look, check out this kid." Sage pointed to the screen with his index finger. "He posted on his Facebook that he's looking forward to all the alcohol he is going to drink when he gets to campus. Look." Sage clicked on another picture. "Here he is drinking in a high school parking lot. I had a girlfriend that went there."

"Who are you really... are you a spy or something?" asked Carly jokingly.

Sage's face was expressionless. "Yes, I'm a spy who could only get a job working for Residence Life." Sage shook his head, a little irritated.

"Heck, lighten up; I'm just messing with you. Anyway... no biggie. A lot of people drink in college. I'm in a sorority for goodness' sake. I drank so much last year I'm surprised I still don't have a hangover."

"Yeah, but did you post pictures on Facebook highlighting your drunkenness?"

"No way, that's totally stupid!" expressed Carly, shaking her head swiftly.

"Exactly... if this kid is dumb enough to put pictures of himself getting wasted and post blurbs about it, he's dumb enough to keep alcohol in his room and party here. I bet you he gets caught the first week," Sage stated, rubbing his chin and narrowing his eyes as if he were looking into the future.

Carly tilted her head slightly to the right, reasoning with Sage's hypothesis. "Okay, I kind of see your point. Profiles are too time consuming. I could never do something like that... oh that's right, but you're preparing for the FBI, right?" Bursting into laughter, she leaned back in her chair.

Sage chuckled once, and then his face grew serious. "I wouldn't laugh too hard. I have a profile on you, and believe me you wouldn't want it to go public."

Shocked by Sage's quick wit, Carly smiled reluctantly. "Very funny... this is going to be an interesting year with you on staff." Her face turned thoughtful, looking over Sage's boyish profile. It looked like he hadn't even started growing facial hair yet. He wasn't the ideal picture of handsome, but she couldn't deny he was attractive.

"I'm glad you think so..." added Sage, still typing away on his laptop. Then, as he was searching the web for more residents to profile, a page caught his attention. "Isn't this guy on Ethan's hall?" Sage turned the screen toward Carly. The profile was of a young man named AK, and he had posted a video with various instructions for mass executions, highlighting some of the worst in history.

"Oh, that's sick. I can't look at that, it'll give me nightmares." Carly closed her eyes, attempting to forget the images and idea all together.

"Why would someone post that to their Facebook?" Sage said in a way that didn't request an answer. He added AK to the list of profiles.

Carly, on the other hand, picked through her large coach bag for a snack. She was certain she had taken an extra donut from Sebastian's this morning. No luck. She swung around and spotted a resident walking across the lobby eating a sandwich. Her stomach grumbled; she was ready for lunch.

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