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The meeting ended at midnight. Afterwards, everyone dispersed, going their separate ways. Everyone but Carly and Ethan went back to their rooms.

Ethan moved closer to Carly, nudging her softly with his arm. He tilted his head, and his gaze shifted to the fireplace in the lobby.

Her eyes followed. She knew what he was thinking and wondered where his thoughts would lead them.

Together, they walked toward the fireplace, sitting on the burgundy and gold Persian rug.

"Good thing I don't have any midterms tomorrow," said Ethan, checking the time on his cell. "So what's on your mind?" his voice seemed deeper.

She smiled, her eyes uncontrollably flashing to Ethan's chest. He wore a blue fitted t-shirt that showed every muscle. "Funny you ask that question..."

Ethan smiled, biting down on his lower lip and scooting closer to her.

Carly changed the subject. "So what was with you in there... you kind of lost it for a minute. Do you have, like, built up sexual tension or something?"

He laughed. "Maybe."

"Ethan, you need a girlfriend, I don't understand, you are like crazy hot," she joked, poking her index finger at his flexed bicep.

His face turned serious, his eyes piercing hers. "Yeah, but you have a boyfriend."

Her heart fluttered. It had been a while since she'd felt excited. She and Patrick had been together so long that the thrill was definitely gone. Most of the time Carly felt obligated to date Patrick because of their parents.

"So are you saying that if I didn't have a boyfriend...?" started Carly slowly.

Ethan's focus didn't change, though it did lower to just below her neck. She knew he was interested.

"Have you ever been with anyone else?" He paused, then rephrased. "Patrick's been your only boyfriend, ever?"

"Only Patrick," she slipped out softly. "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be with someone else... you know, to see if I'm missing anything," Carly suggested, twirling her auburn hair and blushing hard.

"I could show you what you've been missing..." he said, his tone a bit smug.

Carly jaw lowered, shocked by Ethan's request. For a moment they said nothing as Carly considered what she wanted. A blinding feeling took over her body. She couldn't think past wanting Ethan.

Smiling, Carly stood up, her eyes never leaving Ethan's. "Good thing I don't have any midterms tomorrow," she said, reaching out her hand to grab his, taking him up on his proposal.

Ethan's eyes widened with pleasure. He didn't refuse her; he took her hand. Silently they walked to her room, and Ethan didn't leave until morning.


Early the next day, Alana and her dad drove up to Corbin Hall. He had given her a ride back to school before he went to work.

"Take care of mom and the girls, and don't forget to take care of yourself dad... okay?" said Alana in Portuguese.

Alana's father, Leonardo Cruz, smiled, but he looked sad. "You take care of you... okay?" He shook his head slightly. "I'm sorry about... well you know. I wish we had more money saved up, but your mother's medical expenses..."

Alana put her hand on his, stopping him before he could finish. "Dad, I know. You don't have to explain or continue apologizing. I'll come up with the money somehow, and I'm ahead by a year anyway. Taking the semester off won't be horrible," she said, trying to sound convincing. She hated the idea of taking a semester off, but the last thing she wanted was her parents worrying about paying for her education. Her mother's health had become top priority. School could wait.

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