The Symphony

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Alana was in her room, putting on her favorite black dress that accentuated her slender waist. Looking in the mirror and finishing up the last bit of the makeup she hardly wore, she put on her mother's necklace that she had received at the Thanksgiving party. Walking over in her sparkling silver heels to her dresser, she opened a drawer and pulled out the bracelet that Landon got her. Sliding it on her wrist, Alana rubbed it with the tips of her fingers as she considered telling Landon everything. Her heart started to race just by the thought.

Her thought was interrupted by a knock, and she walked over to the door. "Hi Shandi, you look really pretty!" exclaimed Alana.

"So do you! Do you have a bag or something? Aren't you staying with your friend Gio tonight?"

"I already have clothes over there," she said, grabbing her purse.

Waiting in the lobby for the rest of the group to arrive, they continued their conversation.

"So what did you get from your Secret Santa? It was Landon, right?" asked Shandi.

Alana held up her wrist to show Shandi the beautiful bracelet.

Shandi's eyes widened, as did her smile. "That's gorgeous.... You know, I don't think I would have stayed on staff if it wasn't for you and him. He's tremendously supportive, and you... you're one of my best friends."

Just then, Sage walked up to Alana and Shandi. "Hey, have fun tonight at the symphony."

"I take it by your ripped jeans that you're not going?" asked Shandi, looking at Sage.

"No, I don't want to hear Landon sing—or whatever he calls it," said Sage with a bit of sting to his voice. Then looked at Alana and walked off.

"We'll miss you," said Alana sincerely.

"So, kiddos, are you all ready to go or what?" asked Will who had just walked up.

"Is everyone here?" inquired Alana, looking around the lobby. She nodded, accounting for the group that was going to the symphony. Marcus, Kessa, Owen, Carly, and Will. Ethan had other plans that night.

"Who ya'll riding with?" Will asked.

"Alana's riding with me, I have to talk to her about something," said Owen. "I can take you to Gio's afterward; she lives near the concert hall right?"

"Yes, we should get going, I don't want to be late" Alana added as they rushed out the double doors of the hall.

At the Virginia Beach Concert Hall they all couldn't help but admire the elegant setting. The marble floors in the lobby led to the grand auditorium where golden stage glowed brilliantly, calming the group. Sitting in the velvet red chairs, Carly leaned toward Will.

"So I'm riding with you to Kevin's party, but I'm hoping to go home with Patrick," whispered Carly.

Will wasn't really paying attention, but Carly was determined to be with Patrick tonight. His family was coming in the morning and they were flying to California to spend most of the break there. She felt as though it would be her last chance.

"Shh, it's about to start," said Owen as the lights dimmed.

The audience began clapping as the speaker walked to center stage. He announced the orchestra, and then Landon, who'd be singing tenor, along with the medley of Christmas songs. The curtains rose to reveal the orchestra and Landon walked onto the stage dressed in a tuxedo; the audience continued buzzing for a moment, then it died down. With one stroke of the director's wand, the orchestra began playing. Then Landon began to singing Eva Maria, and his rich voice seemed to capture everyone. As if they were hearing music for the first time and amazed by its wonder.

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