Two Shall Dance

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When the storm subsided, fall-like weather settled in its place. A cool breeze constantly ran through the leaves that had now started to turn shades of red and yellow. Campus started to function almost like normal. Well, sort of.

Where is it? I can't believe this... I'm a first year RA but this might be my last. I know we noted that stupid leak in the duty log. Crapola... knowing this all could have been prevented by submitted a stupid work order. I can't seem to do anything right on this job, Shandi thought.

"Wow Shandi, I never see RAs reading the duty log. You're reading it like it's a mystery novel," said Marley, one of the front desk workers.

Shandi peeked at Marley. "Totally, I know... I'm just looking for something," she excused with a giggle, putting the work order list back on the shelf behind the front desk.

The whole RA I-will-save-the-day thing was starting to stress her out, mostly because everything and everyone seemed serious—Levi, professors, residents and incidents. It was like they all fell victim to a worry-plague. She could sense that all of them had something pressing on their mind, robbing them of peace. Even Will had started to act different. She wished she had a wand to tap their shoulders, whispering the words, "Chill out."

Spending her days lying in her garden, eating tomatoes and listening to Joni Mitchell felt more like her world than this. She'd become an RA to make up for all her years of home-schooling, seeing the position as a chance to dive into the full-out college experience. Already she needed an out, a reason to escape. She knew of a coffee house nearby, and she'd go there right after the program. Her guitar needed some strumming.

Shandi walked away from the front desk, ready to tell Owen this new, unfortunate development. She thought about the possibility of a lawsuit. She was confident that Drew had mentioned lawsuits against RAs during the Higher Education Law session during training.

Before she could leave the lobby, Owen burst through the doors wearing a bright multicolored silk shirt and a sombrero. Shandi made eye contact with Owen, her smile feeble. Not even Owen's attire could help her dreary mood.

"Shandi, I don't believe that smile for one minute. What's wrong?" Owen asked, surprisingly full of energy.

Shandi's eyes widened. "I couldn't find it in the duty log. I'm probably going to get fired."

"Oh Shandi, no one is going to find out. Don't even bring it up, forget all about it. I didn't do everything perfect last year, perception is everything. Look the part; I doubt any one will ask about a silly old duty log. That girl was being stupid. Anyway, are you going to Alana and Sage's Chips and Salsa program? It's starting in a few."

"Sure, why not?" Maybe she'd overreacted. Feeling better, Shandi followed Owen to the back of the lobby.

It had been turned into a beautiful dance hall. The couches and chairs had been pushed back against the walls, leaving a clear, open dance floor. The chandelier was perfectly dimmed for the occasion. Latin inspired decorations were tastefully placed around the room, and fun facts about samba dancing were cleverly placed beside bowls of chips and various types of Brazilian dips.


After a few minutes the elevator doors opened, revealing Alana standing there talking with a few of her residents. However, standing next to Alana, they seemed more like shadows fading into the background in her presence. Alana wore a turquoise halter dress that cut just above the knee with a flowing bottom—perfect for spins and twirls. Owen and Shandi strolled up to her, gawking like fans.

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