Friday December 6, 2013

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The Hall Speaks

Home Real-life Virginia Beach University

Incident Report: Charles is being bullied. I've noticed my residents pulling pranks on him. Charles doesn't realize he's being mistreated. This is what happened.

Jeff walks into the study lounge on our floor. Charlie is sitting near the window, smiling at his laptop, clearly lost in whatever he is doing.

"Ugh, let's go somewhere else," Jeff says to Cole. "I can't believe he even came back. He shouldn't even be allowed on campus." A nasty smile spreads across his face. "Watch this."

He walks over to Charlie. I know what's about to happen, but I can't move. I don't usually stand down when people are being mistreated but it is Charlie. I'm embarrassed to admit I have a hard time treating him like a person.

The chairs in the study lounge have slants in the back legs, for leaning back, I guess. Jeff takes his foot and kicks the chair so quickly that it looks like an accident. This sends Charlie flying back, and he hits the floor. His laptop falls too, and from the cracking sound it makes as it hits the ground, I doubt it will work again. The guys run out, cracking up. For a minute, I do absolutely nothing. Yeah, I know. I'm the RA.

Finally I get up and walk towards Charlie, my stomach knotting the closer I get to him. "Hey! Are you okay? These guys, they're just being..." What am I trying to say?

"Yeah, yeah, well," Charlie says, accepting. He's not making eye contact and is scuffling to get back up. "I'm fine, nothing's wrong here. They... they are my friends," he stammers. He really believes they like him, I can tell. He blinks several times like it's a tic, pushing his bangs out of the way.

"Ah, it looks like they are picking on you," I say calmly, but my heart is confused. I want to feel sorry for him, but I can't. I'm scared of him.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. We're fine." He sits down at his desk, turning away from me. "Thanks, though, thank you." He says my name with gratitude.

He starts fooling around with his laptop, fixing it, I suppose. I feel the room getting hot in a bad way. Maybe the heat is turned up, maybe it's me. Either way I have to get out of this room. I dart towards the door.

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